Counting Stars

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A/N: I think this might have been the first song I ever imagined Tom and myself in...way back when I had no idea imagines even existed haha. It's kind of hard to put in words what I see in my head when I hear it, but I'll try!

B/F/N = Best Friend's Name

You met him on a summer drive through LA, sitting in the passenger seat of your best friend's car. The street was relatively empty, but your eyes snagged on a familiar frame in a white T-shirt and sunglasses, strolling by his lonesome in the setting sun.

"B/F/N! Oh my God! That's Tom Holland!" You shouted, shoving her arm repeatedly, not taking your eyes off the man on the sidewalk. 

"No way!" B/F/N gasped. The two of you squealed with unsuppressed excitement as your best friend slowed the car down. The window had been open. The man, looking to see the source of the noise, noticed your face in the window. He couldn't help but smile and knew he had to know you. Taking a chance, he jogged up to the car as you urged B/F/N to pull over. What exactly, was said, you can't remember, but he'd given you his direct line and, with a wave, was off down the street again. 

Your first date had been at a small coffee shop in downtown LA. You had shyly ordered a cappuccino and sat at a table for two, in front of the one and only Tom Holland. The date went well, though you were too shy to find words for the first few minutes, and at the end, embraces were exchanged and a second date had been planned.

The two of you continued to see each other, going to checked-blanket picnics in secluded parks and dates at the beach. A particular favourite date of yours was one of the latter. Tom had brought along a polaroid camera and taken photos of you sitting in the sand and on the brick wall at the beach, laughing. Later, as a pair, you'd rented a bicycle and Tom had taken you for a ride on the beach with you on the handlebars, your white sundress billowing behind you.

As your relationship proceeded, it became very apparent that your feelings ran deep. Simply the thought of losing one another sent either of you into fits. One particular night on your first trip to the UK together, Tom had taken you out to a surprise, telling you you'd have the time of your life. It was a small pub in a poor neighborhood, but it was the best night you'd had in a while.

The lights were low and the people were kind. A circle popped up in the centre of the pub and Tom had dragged you into the middle to dance with him. People clapped enthusiastically to whatever song was playing over the speakers and you whirled around until your feet ached, completely lost in the atmosphere.

Your days were full of heated kisses and ball-chain necklaces. "Happy" became the life you knew best and you went everywhere with your new-found love. You found yourself never having to worry about a single thing, for though once you'd counted dollars, you'd learned to count stars.

A/N: GOD this was bad, but it's extremely difficult to put what's in my head to paper, so I hope I did alright! As this book's gotten bigger, I haven't seen as much of my OG Lovelies as I'd like :( Where are you, loves? I miss you! 

Anyhow, I hope you enjoyed this *insert Paul McCartney* "utterly crap" (pleaseee if there are any Beatlemaniacs out there TELL me you got that reference).

Kisses! LuckyHolland xx

Tom Holland ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now