Wisdom Teeth

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D1- Favorite Tom Movie Scene

When you woke up, you didn't remember where you were, how you got there, or what you were doing there. All you knew was that your mouth tasted like copper and felt like a marshmallow. You blinked, your eyes adjusting to the bright lighting of the dentist's office and tried to sit up.

"Oh no, Ms. Y/L/N," coaxed a gentle voice from above you, "You need to stay horizontal until your boyfriend gets here." You looked at the strage woman, cocking your head so hard that it sent a spasm through your neck.

"I have a boyfriend?" Your mind felt kind of foggy, melty. You hiccupped. The technician laughed softly at you. 

"Yes, darling. And, oh! Here he comes now." She smiled at you. "Might I say, you are  a lucky girl!"

Suddenly, someone knelt by your side, smiling at you. "Hello, love! How are you feeling," he cooed softly, brushing some hair out of your face.

"Oh my god! You're Tom Holland!" you shouted, maybe a little louder than you should have.

"Yes, I am," he chuckled. 

"WOW! I've been a fan of yours for..." you started, counting off years sloppily on your fingers, losing count, and starting over and over again. "Hey...are there little sparkles in the air for you too?" You hiccupped again.

"Come on, darling, let's get you home," Tom told you, kissing your forehead gently.

"Sweet meatballs! Wait till I tell my mum that I got kissed by Tom Holland!" you mused as the technician helped Tom wheel you out to the car.

When you woke up the second time, you were laid across the couch with a fuzzy blanket overtop of you. 

"Well, look who finally woke up." Tom grinned at you sweetly, then made his way over to your side. "Can I get you anything?"

"My mouth feels like a marshmallow," you cackled. "Oh, hi, Tom! Did you pick me up earlier?"

"I did," he told you, fixing your eyebrow. "You didn't even know you'd met me before," Tom laughed lightly. You burst into tears. "What's wrong, love?" Tom rubbed your hand gently.

"I forgot about you? How could I forget about you? I'm the worst girlfriend everrrr," you whined. Tom shook his head sadly.

"You're not a bad girlfriend, Y/N. Besides,  even if you did forget about me, I'd still love you." Your tears stopped as quickly as they started.

"Weally?" you questioned, your lip still a little numb.

"Of course," Tom told you. "And for what it's worth, it's not your fault, it was the drugs. And you're still pretty out of it now. So why don't I change your cotton for you and replace your ice pack, then we can watch a movie?"

"Okayy." You grinned giddily. Tom leaned in to kiss you. Sadly, you couldn't feel a thing.

A/N: grrrr...Okay so I think this one might have been pretty awful, but you know, I tried, so I hope you enjoyed it at least a little. Love you all so much!

LuckyHolland xx

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