Valentines Day Special

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A/N: So this is like four days late, but I was on Vacay in San Francisco over the weekend. I actually got to go and see Harry Potter and the Cursed Child (AMAZING BY THE WAY). Maybe I'll write about it in my random book if you want to hear how it was? Anyway. Happy belated Valentine's!


You were brushing out your silky hair in front of the bathroom mirror. 96, 97, 98...

You counted your steps down the stairs of your apartment building and left through the back door to sit on the bench in the back garden. It was Valentines Day and your boyfriend Tom Holland had completely forgotten.

When you woke up, the bed sheets had been cold beside you. No calls. No texts. No cute little note on the whiteboard you two kept on the back of the door. He had forgotten the (arguably) most important holiday of the year.

So, you'd decided to celebrate with yourself, which (admittedly) sounded much more fun in your head. In reality, you were trying to fight off the growing sphere of hurt in your chest and keep your eyes dry. 

You nibbled on the piece of toast that was your breakfast and sighed. Suddenly, your phone rang. It was Haz. You hesitated for a moment before picking up.


"Hey, Y/N. Happy Valentine's," Haz told you cheerily.

"I wish," you sighed sadly.

"Tom forgot, didn't he?" Haz asked you. You didn't reply, but your silence was an answer in itself. "Well, cheer up. I'm sure he'll make it up to you," he tried.

"Yeah, I guess. What can I do for you?"

"Well, I was actually wondering if you'd like to come shoe shopping with me. My Chucks fell apart yesterday. But if you're not feeling up to it, I can take a raincheck."

"No, no! I'd love to, Haz. It'd get my mind off of things anyway. Why don't we get lunch after too?"

"That sounds wonderful. I'll be there in a few minutes." 

When Haz arrived, you slid into the passenger seat. It was warm for February, so you rolled down your window. Haz was your best friend as well as Tom's, so you frequently hung out with him. It was just what you needed to get your mind off of your forgetful lover.

Harrison ended up purchasing a brand new pair of Chucks in navy blue. "You should pick out some heels that you like. My treat," Haz offered.

"Oh, I couldn't let you do that," you replied honestly. You'd feel guilty if he spent that much money on you. 

But, you ended up with a beautiful pair of pale pink strappy heels that perfectly matched your casual dress anyway.

Halfway through lunch, Haz got a text and almost spit out his water when he read it. 

"What? What is it?" You asked.

"Er...we have to go. Wrap up your burger."

"What? Why? Where are we going?"

"You'll see. I'll make it up to you later. I promise."

"Oh. Okay." You knew Haz had gotten some sort of beckoning. Oh well. I guess I'll just have to be by myself this year.

The two of you sped off to some park in the middle of nowhere. Haz parked the car and told you to come out with him. 

"Look, I really don't understand what we're doing here. Couldn't you have just dropped me off at home first?"

"I promise we won't be too long." But you were. It felt like hours that you walked through the park, going seemingly nowhere, and Haz kept checking his phone.

"Can't you tell me what's going on?" You whined, but Harrison only shook his head and smiled.

Finally, you got to a sort of empty clearing in the park where the sun was hitting the grass just perfectly. What was more, there were little fairy lights tied in a canopy across the trees and pink and red streamers everywhere. 

Rose petals were on the ground in a path. You followed them upwards with your eyes until you found...yes...Thomas Stanley Holland standing at the end.

"'Ello!" he told you awkwardly.

"Is it all for me?" You asked, amazed at the sight and making your way over to your boyfriend.

"Of course it's for you! I don't think I'm in love with anyone else, do you?" Tom chuckled, pulling you into a long and passionate kiss. Haz made a retching noise from the sidelines.

"I thought you'd forgotten!" Tears were threatening to spill out of the corners of your eyes.

"How could I forget you? I wanted everything to be a surprise so I had to get here early. Then I asked Haz to take you out so I could put out the finishing touches and get you this." Tom handed you a pretty white box wrapped with pink and red ribbon.

You undid the bow and opened the box. Nothing could've prepared you for what was inside. Perched on a leather cushion was a necklace with three diamonds in a row.

"Oh, Tom..." you started.

"Three diamonds. One for our past, one for our present, and the other for our future. You mean everything to me and I wanted to tell you somehow. I hope I came close."

At a loss for words, you managed a soft "thank you". Did you have the sweetest, kindest, most loving man in the world as your boyfriend? Yes. And he would never let you go.

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