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Day 25- Idol sleeping

Y/N/N= your nickname

It was midnight and you were still awake. Not because you wanted to be, oh no. You'd had a long, hard week and it was finally Friday, but there was no way you were getting to sleep.

Rain tattooed against your window. You loved the rain. It always made you drift off. But not this time because...


There it was. The thunder. You whimpered and pulled the covers up to your nose, telling yourself that you were old enough to stop being afraid of silly things like thunderstorms. The lightening lit up your room and you curled into a little ball underneath your sheets.


The last one shook the house and you whined like a frightened puppy, telling yourself over and over that you were being completely daft. It's jut warm air colliding with cold air,  you told yourself repeatedly. But it never helped. And you had a good reason why.

When you were ten years old, your father had gotten into a severe car accident on a night with the same weather. He was in a coma for over six months in critical condition and at one point, he'd flatlined. Luckily, the doctors had been able to revive him and he was able to come home later that year, still paralyzed from the waist down. But all thunder ever did was remind you that you could lose someone at any minute.

WHABOOM! More lightening followed.

You tried to turn on your bedside lamp, but the power had gone out. You started to freak out and you could feel the adrenaline pumping through you. That was it. 

You gathered all of your courage to hop out of bed and run quietly down the dark hallway, nearly running into the wall without the little lamp light in the bathroom lighting your way. At last you found it...your roommate's door. Lucikily for you, that particular roommate was also your best friend in the entire world.

You creaked the door open slowly, careful not to wake him up all at once, and tiptoed to his bedside where he could be seen sleeping softly, his dark curls a halo around his head and chocolate eyes shut tightly. You took a minute to admire how beautiful he looked, then snapped yourself out of it.

"Tom?" You asked warily, running a gentle hand over his bicep and shoulder. "Tom?" More thunder cracked and you were drowned by a wave of fear. What if he was dead? That couldn't be...but what if? You started to cry, despite your efforts.

Tom stretched awake, blinking a few times in the absolute darkness before his eyes adjusted. When they did, they found you on the floor, sobbing your heart out. A clap of thunder sounded and you flinched. 

"Hey, Y/N/N, what's wrong?" Tom's voice reached your ears and you looked up.

"Y-you're alive!" you wailed, overcome with relief. More thunder, however, and you began shaking. 

"Ohhh." Tom remembered your fear of thunderstorms all too well. And why you had it. He patted the spot next to him on his bed. "Come here, Y/N/N. It's okay." He sounded groggy and tired, but his voice was still full of concern. 

You managed to peel yourself up off the floor and lay next to him, facing his bare chest. You clung to his back desperately, repeating things to yourself.

"Shhh, darling. It's okay. I'm right here." Tom rubbed your back. You buried your face in his soft neck, shivering every few seconds. "It's okay. It's okay," Tom soothed you.

"But w-what if I lost you? I c-can't lose you," you stuttered.

"I'm right here, Y/N. I will never leave you," Tom told you. He definitely meant it. In a few minutes, you were asleep, still wrapped in his arms, and believe me, Tom didn't mind. He kissed your forehead softly. "Never."

A/N: Hey, lovelies! Hope you enjoyed this one. I actually gave myself the feels. The fluff is INTENSE! Love you all and happy Friday!


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