Hollandays Special ☃️

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A/N: Happy Hollandays to all of my lovely readers! I love you so much and I hope you have a wonderful Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, and New Year! Stay safe and well! Enjoy the sequel to "Shopping"!

It was Christmas morning and everyone was gathered around the seven-foot douglas fir, positively aglow with creme-coloured lights and a spectrum of colourful baubles. 

Sparkly wrapping littered the carpet. Harry and Sam were wearing the matching hats Nikki had gotten them. Haz was wrapped in the giant fuzzy blanket you'd bought him after a trip to the mall together when he'd stopped outside the designer blanket store for a half an hour just to gape. Dom was admiring some new golf gloves Tom had splurged on for him and Paddy was setting up his new iPhone 12Pro. There were only two presents left to open: yours from Tom and Tom's from you.

Nervously, you picked up the delicately-wrapped parcel underneath the tree and handed it to your boyfriend, who was perched cross-legged on the couch in his usual Christmas sweater. "Here you are, Tom! I told you in November I had no idea what to get you for Christmas because you already had everything you loved. But then I realized that was the whole point! So...it's not commercial or expensive, but it's full of love and I really hope you like it!" 

You handed the package to Tom warily, your cheeks a bright pink. There was an "aw" from everyone in the room. Your heart raced nervously as Tom tore away the shiny red paper, revealing a strip of baby turquoise beneath. Tom looked up at you with awe and sheer softness as he realized what was beneath the paper.

"Oh my God, Y/N! You love this book..." He removed the scrapbook from the wrappings fully and began flipping through the vinyl pages, his eyes reddening from the gesture and the memories within it. 

"I know. It's our whole life together. Everything we are. And I wanted you to have it." You smiled softly as Tom got onto the floor, crawled over to where you were sitting and engulfed you in a bear hug. You silently thanked the little old lady for the inspiration as you sat back on your haunches.

"Thank you, Y/N. That's the best gift I've ever gotten," Tom mumbled against your neck. 

"I'm so glad you like it," you chuckled softly. Tom pulled away and stood up.

"I think it's my turn now," Tom told you, with a secret smile on his face. He exchanged a knowing look with Haz as he strode over to the couch, and you looked questioningly at Haz for an explanation. Haz just shrugged, unable to contain his smile. Paddy began recording everything with his new phone... he was clearly excited about the camera. Everyone in the room seemed excited about something, in fact. You were sure they all knew what Tom's gift was, but you were baffled.

Tom, meanwhile, pulled a small wrapped box with a little red bow from underneath the couch and moved back over to you. He looked nervous, you thought. Who could blame him? Couples Christmas gifts were a nerve-wracking thing. You knew that firsthand.

"Y/N, you are the best thing that ever happened to me. I hadn't the faintest what to get you this year either because I knew I had to show you what you mean to me. And you mean everything. You are the thing that keeps me sane when I think I'm losing my mind. You are the reason I smile like an idiot every time my phone rings. You are the most beautiful and wonderful being ever to walk the Earth and I haven't the slightest idea what I would do without you." Tom looked at you with a loving smile on his face. His hand, resting by his hip, was shaking madly and you sat there blushing. "So..." Tom held your gaze intently and it took you a full minute before you realized what was happening. Why Paddy was recording. Why Nikki had misty eyes. Why Dom was looking on so proudly. Why Haz had given such a look. Why Tom's hand was shaking so violently.

He slowly got down on one knee before you, taking a breath to steady himself. You covered your mouth with a hand, unable to believe what was unfolding. "Y/N, Y/M/N, Y/L/N, would you do me the honour of spending the rest of our lives together and becoming my wife?" Tom cracked the little box open to reveal a shimmering diamond engagement ring. A tear slipped from between your lids of its own accord. Nikki let out a little sob.

"Y-yes!" you finally managed. "Yes, I will, Tom!" You threw yourself at him, burying your face in his shoulder. You felt him let out a breath he'd been holding and he slipped the beautiful ring onto your left third finger. 

"I want you forever, Y/N," he whispered to you after kissing you firmly.

"I'll be yours until the end of all days," you replied tearfully.

The Holland family and Haz attacked both of you with hugs and congratulations, begging to see the ring (A/N: link at the bottom) and offer affections.

Tom never let go of your hand. He looked at you lovingly and gave it a squeeze. "Happy Christmas, Y/N." 

"Happy Christmas, Tom."

A/N: Thank you all for reading! Again, I hope you all have a wonderful Holiday and that all of your dreams come true! Thank you for making mine come true every day I write for you all! I'm sorry I've been so absent, but I hope this made up for it! Love always,

LuckyHolland xx

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