Just Married: Part 2

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A/N: Happy Friday, lovelies! This was madly requested, so I figured I would deliver! Trigger Warning: Mentions of domestic abuse.


We'd been married a year when he struck me.

We'd gotten into a fight about something. I can't remember what it was. I can't remember much about that night. All I am certain of is the man I thought I knew and loved backhanded me across the face. He split my cheekbone open with his ring. The sheer force of it made my ears whine for what felt like hours.

And then somehow I ended up there...in the middle of an empty street in Kingston in the middle of the night. It wasn't a long journey from my little flat in Watford, but I never went to Kingston anymore. I couldn't stand the idea of running into Tom in the market. What happened in between was a blur, but I looked down at my hand and found a small suitcase clutched in my whitened knuckles. The pouring rain was streaking down my face and I could feel it beginning to dilute the blood that was oozing from my cheek.

I don't know what made me go back there. I hadn't seen or talked to Tom since the wedding. He'd run out before I could even say hello. It broke my heart.

I remember it vividly. Z had come over to congratulate us, and I'd asked who she'd brought as her plus-one. "Tom," she'd responded. "I hope you don't mind." Of course, I didn't mind. I never stopped loving him and I'd desperately wanted to invite him. My husband had other ideas. 

My husband.

It felt weird to think he was still my husband.

I shook myself off and looked up at the flat in front of me. Tom's flat. What was I doing here?

Help. I needed help. And fast. 

But how could I face him?

I had to.

Did I?


I took a deep breath and rapped on the door. It took a moment for Tom to answer. It was half two in the morning, anyway. When he opened the door, he nearly fell over.

"Y-Y/N?" He rubbed his eyes, clearly trying to ensure he wasn't dreaming. 

"Hi," I sobbed. I crumbled down on the front steps in the doorway, every emotion of the events of the night crashing in waves upon me. 

"Oh my...oh my God! What happened?" Tom looked shocked. I couldn't blame him. I was shocked too.

"I...I need help." That's all I could manage, but Tom nodded vigorously and helped me to my feet. I tightened my loose coat around me and shook as he led me upstairs...partly with tears, partly with cold, but mostly with shock.

Inside the flat, Tom offered me a cup of tea and made me cozy with a blanket on his sofa.

"Y/N, what--?" He didn't have to finish.

"I know. I know it's insane, me showing up here in the middle of the night but I had nowhere else to go! I...I didn't know what to do, Tom! I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." I wailed helplessly. Tom handed me a box of tissues from the end table.

"Shh! It's okay, Y/N. It's okay. Talk to me. What happened?"

"He...he hit me," I blubbered quietly, touching my cut gingerly. Tom's eyes widened. 

"Who hit you?"

"My...my husband. We got into this row over something ridiculous and he hit me. I don't know why I came here when I'm sure you hate me anyway." Tom immediately got up for the medkit. He sat on the coffee table in front of me and dabbed at the cut beneath my eye. I winced.

"It's okay, love. You're safe now." Tom placed a butterfly bandage over the cut and gently caressed my face. "And I could never ever hate you. I never hated you, Y/N, you know that, surely! You are always welcome here. And I will keep you safe until that bastard who hurt you is done justice."

I broke down in tears again and Tom moved from the table to the couch, to envelop me in a hug. "Shhh, it's okay. He can't hurt you anymore." 

"It's not just that..." I sniffled, wiping my eyes on yet another tissue.

"What is it?" Tom took my tea from me and placed it on a coaster in front of us.

I slowly unbuttoned my coat, tears leaking from the corners of my eyes. 

"Oh my God. How could he have....? I swear if I ever see that man again...." Tom couldn't finish a single sentence he was in total shock.

I gently caressed the small bump of my belly before rebuttoning my coat. I wasn't very far along...only three months...but I'd just begun to show. 

"Listen, Y/N, I won't let you go through this alone, okay? You can't go back to that man and that child needs two people to take care of it. A-a father."

"What are you saying?" I shook my head in confusion.

"I'm saying I'll be that father. I know I couldn't give you everything you deserved before, but I'm ready to try. I never stopped loving you, Y/N, and I know you're in a vulnerable place right now, but if you'll have me, I'm yours." Tears brimmed his eyes. "Run away with me, Y/N. Let's run away and never look back and find a place that's all our own. Please."

"But the baby..."

"I will love this child as my own. He or she is a part of you and I love every part of you unconditionally. I always have."

"Oh, Tom, I don't know what to say," I mumbled into his shoulder. "I love you too. I never stopped."

"Then come with me. Let's go away."


Tom gently brushed the hair from my face and tenderly kissed my lips.

"I love you so, Thomas."

"I love you too. Every part of you. Your past, present, and your future."

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