Tropemas Day 1: One Bed

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A/N: On the first day of Tropemas, my author gave to meeeee: A cliche "One-Bed" storyyyy!

Dammit. Dammit, dammit, dammit.

Our flight was delayed not one, not three, but TEN HOURS. Which meant we certainly weren't getting back to Kingston for Christmas Eve. We were stuck in New York City in the John F. Kennedy airport at half-eleven at night.

Why was I in New York with Tom in the first place, you ask? We had taken a trip out to meet Jacob, Zendaya, and Haz for a few days. It had been a while since we'd all seen each other, despite how close we were, and we were supposed to have been home by now.

Jacob and Z had flown back to LA the day previous and Haz had had to jet off to Chicago for some shoot he was doing, so Tom and I were supposed to have been traveling back home together tonight. And just our luck, we were stuck.

"What are we going to do?" I groaned, scrolling through my phone to look for hotels that might have a last-minute suite available on Christmas Eve.

"Just keep looking for rooms," Tom called back to me from where he was standing at the help desk. The dark circles under his eyes could've carried gallons of water. Poor guy. We'd been up for hours.

A few moments later, he returned to where I was curled up in a stiff airport chair. He grasped two paper tickets in his hand and shrugged. "The next flight they could get us was tomorrow at noon. We're stuck." He slumped down into the chair next to me and ran a hand through his hair.

"Great. Well, the hotel we were at still has a suite open, but not the one we were staying in before."

"Honestly I'll take anything at this point as long as I can sleep. How many beds?"

"It says there's two conjoining rooms, so I'm assuming two."

"Perfect. Grab it. I'll pay you back when we get home."

"Damn! Our bags are already checked."

"It's fine. Anything we need we can get from the hotel."

TIME SKIP: brought to you by Tom's left's adorable.

As we rode in the back of the cab, I couldn't help but stare at Tom. He was passed out with his head against the window and the endless city lights cast dancing shadows on his face. He was beautiful.

Of course, I'd never say that to his face. How could I? He'd been my best friend since nursery school. If I told him I loved him, our entire relationship could be ruined in the course of a single night. So I watched him sleep with a not-so-inconspicuous grin gracing my face.

I shook him when we arrived at the hotel. He stirred grouchily and paid the cabbie before we trudged into the lobby to check in. The woman at the desk gave us our key and as soon as we were able, we dashed into the elevator and up 50 floors. Tom was awake enough to carry his backpack, but clearly not enough to handle a room key, so I unlocked one of the two doors and pushed inward.

The first room itself was very nice. We had half a kitchen including a full-sized refrigerator and a full living-room area including a black sofa, a black modern circular coffee table with a little house plant in a white pot as a centerpiece, and two leather chairs in front of a wall-wide window that looked out onto the never-resting night that was New York City.

"I like this better than the penthouse, actually," Tom joked. He threw his backpack unceremoniously onto the sofa and I unlocked the door that led to the other half of the room. It was just as impressive as the first with yet another window-wall and a massive flat-screen television. But it only had one bed...a queen.

"There must be a mistake..." I groaned, digging my phone out of my purse to check the room booking.

"What's the matter?" Tom asked groggily, pushing past me and into the bedroom. He stopped short when he saw the bed. "Oh."

"I must've booked only one bed! I'm so tired I didn't even notice."

"Well, you should take it. I can take the couch."

"Tom, have you seen yourself? You look like you got hit by a freight train. I'll take the couch."

"What if we share?" Tom suggested, clearly too exhausted to be having this argument.

"W-what?" I asked, suddenly wide awake.

"Share the bed? It can't be that awkward. I mean, we did it on family vacations all the time when we were little."

"Yeah,!" I tried my best to sound enthusiastic, but my stomach was in knots.

"Great." Tom flopped backward onto the bed with gusto and we both started laughing. He flipped the covers back for me on my side and patted the spot next to him. Here we go...I thought.

TIME SKIP: brought to you by me running out of ideas for sponsors. Put ideas in the comments, please????

The next morning, I woke up very warm despite the snowy city all around me. I noticed my face was buried in something soft and opened my eyes to find my nose pressed into the crook of Tom's bare neck. I was suddenly very aware of the rest of my Tom's arms were around my back and waist, how our legs were intertwined, how his nose was buried in my hair.

"Morning," Tom greeted me raspily. His morning voice melted me.

"Hi," I chuckled into his chest. "So this happened."

"Yeah," he laughed. There was silence for a minute as we let the gravity of the previous night sink in. "Have I ever told you that I love you??"

"Hundreds of times," I laughed, though the swirly feeling in my lower belly was making it considerably hard to be casual.

"No, I mean it. For real." I looked at Tom, utterly chuffed. "I love you, Y/N."

"I...I love you too."

"You know, our flight's in three hours. We should get up."

"Or...we could stay in bed a while longer," I chanced, testing the waters of our newfound infatuation with each other. I mentally held my breath and gave his lips a quick kiss.

"I like how you think," Tom chuckled cheekily, flipping me over.

I think it's safe to say we burned off Christmas Dinner that morning before even eating.

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