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D2- Tom in Your Favorite Color (blue)

A/N: So I realize I haven't done one of these yet and I figured I would! Enjoy meeting Tom Holland for the first time, my lovelies.

It was around dusk in New York City, though the sun still cast a pinkish-golden glow up into the sky. A young man had just exited his hotel, attempting to make his dinner reservation on time. But unluckily for him, he'd been recognized.

You would think Tom would have been used to it, the screaming and fainting girls everywhere he went. The swarms of hungry fans, anxious to get a photograph, a signature, even touch his hair, but even after years of being in the business, it always surprised him that he couldn't walk even a block to a restaraunt without being mobbed.

"Tom! TOM! Can I have a selfie?"

"OHMYGOD! Tom! Will you kiss my cheek?"

"Can I touch your hair?"


Usually, he didn't mind it. He loved his fans and would do anything for them, but he was jetlagged and it was supposed to have been his day off. Still, he smiled politely and agreed, but the throng of girls only grew. He attempted to move down the sidewalk, even just slightly, but couldn't manage it. At last, once his patience began to run thin, he excused himself, ducking into the nearby bookshop.

Tom quickly found himself overcome with the scent of new books and the sound of music from the forties. He looked around, grateful the shop was empty, and decided to take a tour. Weaving between shelves of different genres, his liking for the tiny bookstore began to grow. The atmosphere was inviting and calming. He didn't even seem to mind the shop's resident cat, whom he found sitting in an empty space on one of the shelves.

Tom only realized how far he'd wandered into the vacant bookstore once he reached the back wall. To his right, a young woman, just shorter than he, was shelving books from the cart next to her. Tom couldn't help but stare at her as she worked. She was very pretty, he noticed, and looked like she completely belonged. Even the way she dressed matched the vintage music playing over the loudspeakers, from her blouse to her saddleshoe heels.

The girl seemed to notice the presence of someone else and turned to face Tom. When she saw him, she jumped slightly, dropping the book she was holding.

"I'm sorry," Tom told her quickly. "I didn't mean to frighten you." He moved over to her gently and handed the book back to her. She slid it easily onto the shelf and smiled at him. What a smile, Tom thought.

"That's alright, I don't mind," she replied sweetly. Just then, she seemed to recognize him. Tom was half expecting her to ask him to sign something or take a photo, but she did neither, although she did slightly change the way she carried herself. "Can I help you find anything?" Tom shook his head and grinned at her.

"As of now, I'm just looking, but thank you," said he.

"Alright. Well, let me know if you need something," she told him softly, smiling and returning to her task at hand.

Tom wandered the book shop some more, just to wait out the hoard of fans outside the door of the quiet little bookshop. He was unable to get the girl out of his mind. The way she looked so at home in the store, the way she smiled. The way she never asked him for anything, even though he could tell she recognized him. That was it, he decided. 

Gathering his courage, he returned to the back of the store, and the girl. "Erm, excuse me, miss," he started, "but I realize I never got your name." 

"Oh," said the girl, stepping off her little stool. "It's Y/N. Y/N, Y/L/N." She held out her hand for him to shake, which he did politely.

"Tom," he replied. "Tom Holland."

"Oh, I know," she laughed softly. "I've been a fan for years. It's nice to meet you."

"You too," he told her. "Hey, this might sound forward, but I have a dinner reservation for myself in five minutes. It's just up the block. If you'd like to join me, I would love your company." Tom mentally crossed his fingers.

"Actually, I would love that. I'm just closing up, anyway. Thank you."

"Of course!" Tom told her, somewhat calmly. Little did she know that on the inside, he was jumping for joy.

A/N: I'm really proud of this one. Like...really really proud. I think it might be my favorite haha. I hope you all enjoyed! Kisses...


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