Period(t) [A Quickie]

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A/N: Hey, babies! How's it hangin? I know it's literally the middle of the week but I woke up this morning in a puddle of my own blood and decided to write an imagine about it XD 

Enjoy the surprise lol

I woke up and immediately knew something was off. My back was killing me, I felt like throwing up my nonexistent breakfast, and my legs were wet. I finally put two and two together when I got up (a little dizzily) and noticed the utter horror movie scene that was the bed. Seriously, it looked like someone had stabbed me in the gut and just left me there to bleed out. Fantastic.

I was two weeks late, so it wasn't as if I hadn't been expecting it (although, I might add I was just the slightest bit nervous that it wasn't coming at all and that, somehow, I was pregnant and might have to tell Tom), but the attack of Japan is never well-received and that day was no exception.

I dragged myself to the shower, feeling a bit like Jabba the Hutt, and soaked the blood off myself before wrapping my body in my "special" black towel and trudging to the living room for a long day of...nothing.

It was a Saturday, luckily, so I had nowhere to be, but Tom wasn't around to cuddle or rub my belly so I face-planted onto the sofa with my arse in the air, flicked on the television, and ate a box of toaster strudels. 

I felt so bloated I might just pop and I was in so much pain that I didn't even want to get up to get an Ibuprophen to relieve myself, so I just laid there in a pool of my own blood and sadness until what must have been noon. 

After forcing myself up to make lunch (can you call a jar of Nutella and a bag of Ruffles lunch?), I walked around the apartment for a bit to make sure I didn't cramp up again in the blissful pause between the clenchings of my uterus. I was bored.

After dinner (don't ask what dinner's embarrassing), Tom came back. He opened the door to find me curled up in a pitiful ball on the couch again, groaning desperately, hair undone, and in my granny-panties.

"Rough day, love?" he asked, chuckling.

"I feel like throwing up."

Tom nodded knowingly and sat down beside me. I put my head in his lap where he began to pet my hair. It was as if the cramps simply melted away. "I'm sorry love. Do you want me to wash the sheets for you?" 

"You don't have to do that," I sighed into the fabric of his jeans.

"I know I don't but I want to help you in any small way I can," he said softly. Then, a look came across his face. "And I know exactly what else to do."

He lifted my head and I let out a groan in protest as he unseated himself and walked into the other room. 

"Where are you goinggggg?" I whined.

"You just stay there!" he told me. "I have a surprise."

A few minutes later he was back, attempting to drag my lump of a body off the couch. 


"Come on! It'll be good, I promise."

I lifted myself, with much difficulty, and Tom took me to the bathroom. The lights were dimmed and the room smelled of my favorite bath salts, candles, and oils. Tom had drawn me a bubble bath in our jacuzzi, filled to the brim with bubbles and rose petals. It may have been the hormones, but I nearly started crying.

"You did this for me?"

"Of course I did, love. You deserve every bit of it and I want you to be relaxed and happy." He smiled at me and kissed my cheek. "Now get undressed and get in the tub!" he laughed, pushing me through the doorway. I turned around, hesitating. "What is it, love?"

"Well, it's just..."


"You've been gone all day and...I missed you."

"Do you want me to join you?" Tom asked, cocking an eyebrow and smiling.

"...maybe," I giggled. Tom laughed.

"I'd be lying if I said I wasn't hoping."

We slipped into the heaven-scented bath together and I laid my head on his shoulder. For a while, it felt like every ounce of pain I had was nonexistent. 

Tom Holland...nature's Advil. 

Who knew?

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