I've Had Enough...

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Okay. So I didn't want to do this at the beginning of this book but I guess I have to now. I want to start off by saying this is in NO WAY directed towards all of my readers...just the fair few with whom I have grievances to air.

Lately I've gotten A LOT of personal messages from people telling me they don't like things I've written in these imagines or that Y/N doesn't match their personality. Let me start off, you people, by saying, that I really don't care if you don't like the things I write. I put my writing out there for me, and if people like it, that's great and it really makes me happy. But you should know it doesn't faze me if you tell me you hate it. Just saying.

Secondly, I'm sorry if Y/N doesn't act or speak the way you would. I try my best to make her a relatable and easy-to-identify-with character, but just remember that I am not you and I don't really know the way you would respond to a situation. I try my best.

Now that we've gotten that out of the way (and I'm sorry to those of you who don't deserve that rant) can we address the fact that


Spider-Man Phone Home...it doesn't have that usual ring to it but I'm not opposed!

What do you guys think? Let me know below.

Tom Holland ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now