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Day 24- Idol's eyes

This one was requested by the amazing @VioletHolland2013 !!! She's got a few stories of her own, so you should definitely go check her out. Thanks a million for the request, darling! And I hope I did it justice.

You were sitting behind the kitchen counter at your parents' house, wondering when your dad would put the burgers on. It was June, and your family was having a large barbeque to celebrate the Summer Solstice. Everyone was invited. Your grandparents, brother and sister, a few of their friends, etc. etc. You didn't really like family parties, but luckily for you, everyone was allowed to invite somebody else. Of course, you invited your boyfriend, Tom Holland. 

It was a few hours before the barbeque and you were helping to set up by staying out of the way. Your mum came into the room, scrolling through her phone. "Hey, Mum!" you greeted her, taking a swig of your raspberry lemonade.

"Ah! Hello, sweetie. I'm glad you're here. I have to talk to you about something important." Your mum leaned on the counter across from you and you set down the book you'd been reading. Whenever she said that, either you were in trouble, or somebody had died.

"Oh?" You swallowed another gulp of lemonade in a feeble attempt to steel your nerves.

"Yes. Your aunt and uncle are also coming tonight."

"Oh, that's wonderful. I love Aunt Ferrah and Uncle David." You'd thought it would be worse than that, if your mother was wearing her death-face, but maybe you'd been wrong.

"Yes, well, they're also bringing their kids." Your mum grimaced apologetically. You nearly spat out your lemonade. So it was just as bad as somebody dying.

"You're kidding me, right?" You HATED your cousins. They were a few years younger than you, but still teenaged, and they liked to pick on you for just about everything and anything. And all because they liked to see you upset and down on yourself. The worst part was, you had to deal with it by yourself every time since Aunt Ferrah and Uncle David could never believe that their little babies could be so horrible to anyone.

"Sorry." Your mum shrugged and continued out the patio door.

Time-skip brought to you by Severus Snape's dysfunctional shampoo bottle...

You greeted everyone at the party with a smile on your face, attempting to hide how apprehensive you were. So far there were at least twenty people including your brother and his girlfriend, and your sister and her girlfriend. Your dad was blasting classic rock from the speakers in the yard and people were congregating in rooms all over the house, catching up on long-lost conversation.

Tom had not yet arrived. He had told you that he would be there late, but you couldn't help but hope he was overstating. At last, the knock you'd been dreading sounded at the door. You opened it with a smile, greeting your aunt and uncle sweetly as they entered. The smile became forced when Lucille, Tucker, and Andy came through the door. 

Triplets, they all looked exactly the same. Except for the fact that Lucille was a girl. "Hey, guys," you greeted politely. Lucy looked up from her phone, looked you up and down and said something to the effect of "Ew. I heard people were supposed to look better every time you see them." You bit your cheek to keep from yelling.

"Ugh. It's the floozie," Andy rolled his eyes as he walked past you, smacking your bottom in a rather inappropriate fashion. 

"How's it going, whaley? Still single? I mean, I can see why. Who would ever want to date you?" Tucker flipped you off and continued into the house. You heard him flop on the couch.

"Actually, my boyfriend should be over here at some point tonight," you whispered to yourself, sighing. You were in for it again. 

You sat back down at the kitchen counter. What you didn't realize was that Lucille was next to you. You inwardly groaned when you looked at her, then picked up your book, pretending not to notice. Lucy snorted.

"Ew, God, you're still a nerd, huh?"

"I find reading not only entertaining, but educational," you replied flatly, turning the page.

"I don't know how I could be related to you. You're so..."

This continued on and on, wherever you sat, whoever you were talking to. One of the triplets would find you and bother you. At 7p, the sky darkened a little and everyone had moved into the backyard. You, however, decided to sit alone at the counter on the barstool, grateful you had turned eighteen that year and were allowed to drink.

You swirled the ice around in your cocktail glass before setting it down and rubbing your temples. Suddenly, you heard the door click in the empty house. "Y/N?" You heard the familliar voice and you instantly became relieved. 

"In here," you croaked in reply. Suddenly, a pair of strong arms wrapped around you and Tom kissed the crook of your neck.

"Hello, love! Sorry I'm so late. We wrapped a little bit behind schedule," he explained, sitting next to you and running a hand through his perfect chocolate curls. "Ooh! Was that a mule?" Tom asked, peering at the remainder of your drink. 

"Yup," you sighed, leaning into him. Tom kissed the top of your head before swigging down the rest of your cocktail, crunching the ice.

"Damn. That's a strong one. What's wrong?" Tom looked at you concernedly. You chuckled lightly at how well your boyfriend knew you.

"My bloody cousins are devils, that's what." 

"What do you mean?"

"Well, they're always picking on me about whatever little thing they can and it's just....I don't know, Tom. It just makes me really sad."

"Well, whoever says there's anything wrong with you can..." (Tom suggested they go cuddle themselves agressively). You smiled, grateful for the morale boost.

"Come on. Everyone's outside talking. I can't wait for them all to meet you." You and Tom rose to go out back, his arm wrapped around your waist. You were so incredibly grateful for his company.

Turned out, Tom was a hit with the rest of your family as well. They all loved him. At one point, however, you left his side for a moment to run to the restroom. Everyone reengaged with their previous conversations.

Suddenly, three siblings approached him, disbelieving looks on their faces. "You can't be dating her," the girl said incredulously.

"Actually, I am," Tom told her. 

"Why would you? She's such a whore," the shorter of the two brothers commented.

"Actually, I'll have you know that Y/N is very loyal, thank you." Tom was getting a little irritated at this point.

"You shouldn't be with her, man. We're doing you a favor," the taller brother asserted. That was it.

"Listen. I don't know who you people think you are to say these things about Y/N, but she is the most smart, kind, loving, and perfect person I have ever met. And you three have no right to say otherwise because it's false." Tom stood up and went inside.

You came out of the bathroom, wiping what was left of the sinkwater on your shorts. You entered the kitchen to find a very hot-and-bothered Tom, getting himself a beer out of the fridge.

"What happened?" You asked, going over to give him a long kiss on the lips.

"I just had a run-in with your cousins." Tom stood up and looked at you.

"Let me guess. They told you how horrible I am and told you to break it with me?" You sighed, hopping up so that you were seated on the counter.

"They did. But you know something?" Tom asked, leaning on the counter and wrapping your legs around his waist.


"They couldn't change a thing."

Tom Holland ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now