The Hollandays 12 Days of Tropemas

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Hello there, all my lovelies! I'm proud to announce another writing challenge for the first time in HOW LONG?!?!

Here's how it works...

Every day from now until Christmas Eve, I will write one imagine to one of the following most cliche fanfiction tropes! The imagine could be Christmasy or not Christmasy depending on how I'm feeling. (Let's see how cringey this gets...)

I've had this idea since June and I'm literally so excited to get this off the ground so I can be on here more often! 

♥ The 12 days of Tropemas ♥

Day 1: One Bed

Day 2: Enemies to Lovers

Day 3: Coffee Shop AU

Day 4: Babyfic

Day 5: Elevatorfic

Day 6: Temporary Amnesia

Day 7: Periodfic

Day 8: Childhood Sweethearts

Day 9: Hurt/Comfort

Day 10: Love Drug

Day 11: High School AU

Day 12: ProposalFic

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