"Sorry, Wrong Number!"

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A/N: Hi, my lovelies! I swear I'm coming back to you on a regular basis once this show is over. Only a week left and I'm all yours! Here's a little something to get you through the week. Based on a request I got a while back, but not entirely.

"Why don't you find out if they have a table for us, Y/N?" B/F/N suggested. The two of you had so desperately wanted to catch up with one another over coffee at your favorite cafe. It was a cute little place on the corner of an intersection, French-themed with jazz music always spilling from somewhere in the ceiling.

"Yeah, alright! Will you remind me the number? It's been a while." The two of you were stretched out on your sofa, each covered in a king-sized blanket. It was a wonder you'd decided to go out at all. It was a cold and rainy day...the kind when it felt nicer to stay indoors with a cup of tea.

"Sure thing! It's xxx-xxx-xxxx" 

You typed the number digit-by-digit into your keypad and pressed the green "call" button, placing your phone on speaker on the coffee table so you could take a swig of your tea.

"Hello?" Came a confused yet strangely familiar voice on the other end of the line. You couldn't place it just then.

"Hi! I was wondering if you had a table for two available. Our flat is just up the street and we can make it there in 10 minutes."

"Oh, I'm sorry, miss, you must have the wrong number." That voice was nagging you. You could tell B/F/N recognized it as well. The baffled look on her face said it all. Who could it be? Had you spoken to them before? You checked the keypad on your phone. You'd indeed dialed the wrong number.

"Oh, I'm terribly sorry! I didn't mean to interrupt your day!"

"That's quite alright! It was a strange and pleasant surprise," the voice laughed. Suddenly it hit you and B/F/N at what seemed exactly the same moment. Your eyes both went as wide as saucers and you prodded each other excitedly, wondering the same thing.

"This is going to sound really strange, but is this Tom Holland?" You asked quickly, biting your lip in suspense.

"Actually, yeah, it is!" he responded. You and B/F/N both jumped up and down in your seats and B/F/N mimed fainting onto the couch.

"I thought I recognized your voice! I can't believe that took me so long!"

"Well, yeah! It's me! I'm glad you ended up calling! It's been nice."

"Y-yeah! Me too! Maybe I'll dial wrong again sometime. It was so nice to meet you!"

"You too! Did I get your name?" Tom asked.

"No! You didn't. But, erm, for the record, it's Y/N."

"Well, I look forward to your call!" 

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