Ten Centimeters

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Ever since you and Tom had gotten pregnant, you had been anticipating that moment. You were sitting on the couch together, watching Disney movies, when suddenly...

"Uh, Tom?" You started warily.

"Mhm?" Tom didn't look away from the TV set.

"I think I peed my pants." You started laughing. Of all of the terrible things about being pregnant, you'd just discovered another. Or so you thought.

"WHAT?" Tom immediately sat up.

"I just think I peed my pants, that's all. Geez, Tom. If I can laugh at it, you can too." You honestly didn't understand why he was so worried.

"Y/N, your water  just broke!" Tom exclaimed, scrambling to get off the couch.

"Oh! OH MY GOD! Tom? Wha-what do we do now?" You began to hyperventilate. Tom slung the baby bag over his shoulder and rushed over to comfort you.

"Y/N, you're going to be fine. We've prepared for this, alright?"

"I know, but it's two weeks early and...we still haven't thought of a name for her and....AAGHH!" You doubled over in pain, well, as much as you could being so swollen with baby that you could barely walk anymore. Your first contraction.

"Okay, okay, Y/N. You're going to be okay," Tom told you. Well, maybe more to himself than to you? He grabbed the keys off the counter and led you gently to the car. After you'd gotten in (with much difficulty), the two of you rushed to the hospital.


You were laying in the hospital bed, completely in agony. Your contractions had gotten so bad that your vision was clouded with colored spots. It had been fourteen hours, and every two hours, when the technician came in to check on you, you were still far from dilated enough.

"Make it STOP!" You wailed, tears streaming down your face. You pleaded for Tom's help. He did the best he could to comfort you, but knew he could do nothing.

"It's okay, darling. The technician will be back in in a few minutes."

Those "few minutes" were agonizing, and when at last the technician came to check on you, she looked into your eyes and said, "Mrs. Holland? I think you're ready to have a baby." She smiled. Tom laughed incredulously and couldn't keep the grin off his face.

"Well thank bloody God! I was about to stab my IV needle in my carotid artery!" You sighed. 

"Let's get you to the delivery room, honey. You're about ten centimeters dilated." The technician left the room to get a few more nurses to help wheel you out.

"We're going to have a baby!" Tom breathed. The disbelief in his eyes had taken over. You started tearing up...half because of your raging hormones and half because you couldn't even believe it yourself.

"I know," you sniffled. Tom kissed you tenderly and soon you were wheeled into the delivery room.


You heard a deafening cry. The cry you'd been waiting to hear for the past seventeen hours. And your pain subsided. The doctor gently lifted the baby from your underside (A/N: and now we cringe), cut the cord and walked around to your side, between you and Tom.

"Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Holland," she told you. Despite your efforts, you started to cry again, but this time, Tom was right with you. The doctor took the baby to be cleaned up and Tom swept some sweaty hair out of your eyes before kissing you.

"I love you so much, Y/N," he told you softly, his breath wavering from tears. You hiccuped.

"I love you too, Tommy," you sniffed. 

Much later, in your room, you had gotten into some satin pajamas and were cradling your baby girl close to your heart. Tom came in from talking to the doctors, closing the door as quietly as he could behind him. He came over to you with a sweet smile on his face.

"How are my girls?" he asked tenderly. You carefully scooted over on the bed to make room for him and patted the empty spot next to you. Tom crawled in by your side and you rested your head on his chest.

"Just fine," you told him quietly. "Have you thought of a name?" You had decided to let Tom choose your baby's name. It just seemed fair, having the most important person in your life name the other most important person in your life.

"Not yet," he whispered, stroking the little whisps of hair on top of the baby's head.

"Well, she can't just stay nameless," you chuckled.

"She won't," Tom promised. "I just don't know her well enough yet."

"Well, here." You sat up as far as you could without hurting yourself and gently handed the baby to her father. She opened her eyes and looked up at him. Her eyes. She had Tom's eyes...beautiful, round, chocolate-brown eyes, and they widened lovingly as she looked into her father's face.

You had never seen Tom look the way he did then. Quiet tenderness all over his face. And so much love. Your baby was tiny, but healthy, and looked even smaller nestled in the crook of his arm. She looked back at him for a few more seconds, smiled, and closed her eyes again.

"She has your smile," Tom breathed, almost as if he were afraid he'd hurt her.

"And your eyes," you told him, leaning your head back on his shoulder.

"Henseley," said Tom, grinning down at you. 


"Her name is Hensely Holland," Tom whispered, dropping a kiss onto her head.

"It's perfect." You looked down at Henseley's rosy pink cheeks and nose.

"Thank you," Tom told you with a look on his face like his whole life had just been completed.

"For what?" You laughed softly.

"For giving me the world."

A/N: AWWWW! Oh my god, please? That just makes my life right there. I really needed an escape from this whole Corona business. I hope you are all well. Please stay home and safe. I love you all so much! 


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