Another Stan

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D24-Tom on a Talk Show

Y/A/N = your account name

You were sitting in the grass with Tess in the front yard of the flat you shared with your roommate. Tom, your boyfriend, was visiting that day and the two of you had decided to sit outside for a while. You played with Tess while you waited for him to come outside.

"Hey, Y/N! You'll never guess what I found. People write fanfiction about me, apparently!" Tom laughed, sitting down next to you. His nose was buried in his phone.

"Of course they do, you're literally the world's most perfect man," you chuckled, kissing his cheek.

"I think it's hilarious! Why don't we read some together?"

"Yeah, okay!" You agreed. It had been a while since you'd read some good old Tom x Reader fanfic. Who needed it anymore? You had the real thing.

"Great! I found this person called Y/A/N on a site called Wattpad. They seem to get a lot of views. Let's look there first!" Tom decided. Meanwhile, your stomach dropped into your toes. You swallowed hard. How could that be?  you thought. I swear I covered my tracks better than that. Oh no. Oh no. He's going to find out.

"Yeah, okay..." you said in a high pitched voice.

"I think I'll start with 'Tom Holland Imagines'...that sounds promising."

You began biting your nails nervously. He doesn't have to know it's me. Tom began reading your one-shots aloud. You'd been proud of them when you were nothing but an avid Tom fan, but once the two of you had started dating, you'd made sure to take the secret of your fanfiction with you to the grave. You kept hoping that Tom wouldn't find out it was you. How could he? You wrote under an alias.

"'...And kissed him.' Aw, how cute is that!" Tom laughed. You couldn't tell if he was serious or if he was making fun of the story. Your cheeks turned bright red and you buried your face in your knees to hide it. Tom, unaware, commented, "Hey, Y/N...this person kind of writes like you." Your head snapped up and you looked at him with pure terror in your tomato-colored face.

"Idon'tthinkso," you ambled a little too quickly. Tom looked at you strangely for a second and then began laughing.

"It is  you, isn't it?" You bit your lip. Tom continued laughing.

"Okay, fine. It is. But I swear I'm not a creep, I was just a really big fan...I mean I still am, but I..." Tom cut you off by firmly kissing you. You sighed. "So you don't think I'm a creep?"

"No," he laughed, "I think it's absolutely adorable. I knew you were a fan, but Wowza!" You blushed again. "I'm flattered," he told you quietly, squeezing your hand.

"Okay, good," you chuckled.

After a few seconds of silence, and making you flush even darker pink, Tom looked at you and said "Now that seems like something you would write, doesn't it?" 

A/N: Hi, my lovelies! I think I've just automatically named you all my lovelies. Huh. I like it. I hope you enjoyed this one! The idea came to me in the middle of the night last night. Requests are still being accepted, so if there's anything you'd like done, I'm your gal!

xoxo LuckyHolland

Tom Holland ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now