Professor's Boy

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D21-Tom with family

A/N: This was requested by the lovely @VioletHolland2013! "I have a request for a one shot, Like where Tom is really jealous of a guy (tom and the reader are in the university or college, whatever you prefer, And there is one kid who us the teacher's son and He likes the reader but the reader doesn't like him back and he kinda makes the reader uncomfortable, like if you know what I mean... And The Tom is already dating the reader and he gets too jealous, and some fluff too" 
Also, for all of you who have requested things, I promise I'll get to them as fast as I can! I'm doing them in order so just know I'm trying XD

I had been listening to Mr. Livenstein droning on and on for the past hour and a half. It felt like the lecture was so boring that the hands on the clock above his desk were barely moving. Ever since I'd gotten to Uni, Livenstein's class had been my least favorite. Not to mention his annoying (and that's being nice) son sat right next to me the entire time.

Aaron was attractive, sure, but he was also a huge douchebag. I could tell he liked me. He made that obvious with all of the little notes he passed me and all of the nasty moves he made on me. He was the kind of guy who knew he was hot and used it to his advantage. Unluckily for him, I had a boyfriend. And Tom was the best thing that ever happened to me.

Livenstein's class was the last of the day, but there was still a half hour left and I was bored out of my mind. About five minutes later, Aaron slid a little folded-up piece of paper onto my desk. I looked behind me at Tom (who sat three rows back and to my left) to give him an amused look. He cocked his head, confused, and I shook the note in my hand. I'd expected Tom to laugh or shake his head amusedly, but he just frowned and went back to his notes.

I, however, opened the note and almost instantly wished I hadn't. 

Your body is made of 70% water and I'm thirsty.
I'm on top of things...would you like to be one of them?

Extremely disturbed, I pursed my lips and scribbled my answer underneath: I'm sure if your daddy knew what you spent your time thinking of in his class he'd think he taught biology. Just because I know you're an idiot, I'll tell you again to buzz off.

I wasn't that rude to anyone. Ever. But Aaron was an exception, and a pretty darn good one. Finally, the bell rang and I got up to pack my things. Aaron did the same, but before he left, he looked at me and smirked. "You don't mean that sweetheart," he told me. I didn't answer, but as he was leaving, he spanked me. I rolled my eyes, which instantly found Tom.

I don't think I'd ever seen him so furious. His lips were set in a painfully straight line and his eyebrows knitted together. In fact, he'd broken his pencil with his death grip. As we exited the classroom, I caught up with him.

"Hey, love, what's the matter?" I asked. Tom was really starting to concern me. He didn't answer at all at first.

"I'm just tired, that's all," he replied quietly. I knew something was up, but I didn't press. If he wanted to tell me, I knew he would. 

His behaviour coninued, however, for the next two days and he wasn't in Livenstein's class the day after, either. I was worried and I rushed back to the dorms the second we were dismissed that night. I stopped outside our door, however, when I heard soft sobbing from behind it.

Slowly, I turned the knob and opened the door. Tom was sitting on his bed with puffy red eyes and a dribbly nose. Never in my life had I seen him cry. Not once.

"Hey," I said softly. Tom jumped a little, having not noticed my presence, and wiped his eyes quickly. "Please tell me what's wrong, Tom. You're scaring me. You weren't even in class today."

"It's nothing. Don't worry."

"Stop it, Thomas. You've been acting funny all week. I'm your girl, Tom. You can tell me anything, remember?" I sat next to him and took his face in my hands.

"It's're the best thing that's ever happened to me and I feel like I'm going to lose you. Every guy who sees you wants you. Especially Aaron. And they're all so much better than me. Why wouldn't you leave me for them? You'd be stupid not to."

"Oh. Tommy..." my eyes welled up. "How could you say that? You're the kindest, sweetest, smartest, funniest, most handsome, romantic guy I've ever known and I love you with all of my heart. I would be stupid TO leave you. All those guys...they've got nothing on you. And you could never lose me, love. Never in a  million years."

Tom layed his head in my lap and sighed. "Thank you, Y/N. The word 'love' simply isn't big enough to express how I feel about you." I kissed the top of his head and wondered how I ever got so lucky.

A/N: There you go, girlie! I hope I did alright with this one. I'm sorry if it isn't as long as I would've liked...I'm buried in things to do right now, but this was at the top of my list!



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