Tropemas Day 6: Temporary Amnesia

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A/N: Ok, I'm so sorry I totally spaced yesterday's one-shot, but I'll write 2 today to make it up to you! My excuse? SPIDERMAN NO WAY HOME HOLY MOTHER OF SPIDERLINGS that movie was poetic justice all over the place and as a long-time spiderman fan from way back, I KIND OF DIED. Favorite spiderman movie hands down. If you want to rant, PM me????

On the sixth day of Tropemas, my Author gave to me: Total loss of memory, A BROKEN ELEVATORRRRRRRR! Cute pregnant couples, kids having coffee, Enemies-to-Lovers, and a cliche "One-Bed" storyyyyyy!


When I woke up, the first thing I noticed was a sharp pain in my head. The last thing I remembered was my dinner with my agent last week. After that, there was a giant blank space where my memory should have been and it was bothering the hell out of me. What had happened? I felt like my thoughts were just out of my reach.

More importantly, where the hell was I? This didn't look like my bedroom, but I was in a bed. A white one. A hard one. In fact, the whole room was pretty much white. I tried to move my head to look around but was blinded by a flash of light.

A nurse with a clipboard entered my room just as my vision was clearing, and suddenly I realized where I was. The hospital? What had happened?

"Mr. Holland? You have a visitor. The doctor will be in soon to ask you a few questions." She turned around to take her leave, ushering in someone I was so glad to see I thought I might just faint. Again.

"Tom?" Y/N crossed gently over to where I lay sprawled on my tiny bed.

"Oh, Y/N! Thank god! Can you tell me what happened? Why am I here? I don't remember anything since last week."

"Really?" she looked quite concerned. "You don't remember anything?"

"No," I groaned, struggling to sit up. I was suddenly very dizzy and began to wobble precariously. Y/N rushed over to steady me, then fluffed the pillow behind my back so I could sit straight.

"Babe, you got in a massive car wreck on your way back from my house tonight. Some pickup truck T-boned you. You're lucky to be alive." She settled herself next to me on the bed.

"Oh my god! Is the other guy okay?" I asked, trying to see more clearly. The harder I tried, the more I wanted to raplh. Y/N just grinned at me with an expression I couldn't quite make out. "What? What is it?"

"That's my Tom. Always worried about other people. He's fine, darling. He wasn't the one in a Fiat." She chuckled, brushing some hair back from my forehead. I winced. "I'm so sorry!" She clapped a hand to her mouth and handed me a glass of water. 

" really don't remember anything about tonight?" Her expression had changed again. I could tell she was heartbroken, but hiding it. Instantly I felt awfull.

"I don't. I'm so sorry, love. Did something important happen?" I rubbed my eyes again and looked intently at her. I saw her blink back some tears and force a watery smile.

"Nothing important. Don't worry about it. I'll go see if I can find the doctor." She got up from her spot at the foot of the bed and began to turn around. I reached out to grab her jacket sleeve.

"Wait, Y/N!" She turned around, sporting a too-big smile. "What happened? Something important happened and it's something I should remember. Please, just...what happened?"

"Tom, on our date tonight we..."

"We what?" I asked slowly, terrified we'd taken a big step and I'd missed it.

"We said 'I love you' for the first time," Y/N practically whispered. She wiped a few stray tears that had slid down her cheeks. I dropped her hand suddenly, feeling horrible.

"Oh, Y/N, I..." I started, but suddenly, everything came flooding back in one overwhelming moment. The candle-lit dinner for our six-month anniversary, the music that had been playing, that kiss...the truck, the airbag...

"Tom?" She was shaking me.

"I...I remember." I told her, splitting into a maniacal grin. "I REMEMBER, Y/N!" I tried to get out of bed, but was hit with a wave of dizziness. She laughed and settled me back into the bed.

"You do???" 

"I do!" I leaned over to kiss her. "And you know what?"


"I still love you every bit as much."

Tom Holland ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now