Valentine's Day Special 2021 ❤

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A/N: Hey, my lovelies! Happy Friday! You'll never guess where I stayed last the same hotel I met Tom in for the first time when he was here in 2019! It's really lovely, actually, and everything was so super fancy! I mean, I'm kind of over at that hotel all of the time, but I've never stayed there so it was a whole new kind of experience.

Anyway, enjoy this year's Valentine's special!

You were surprised it had taken this long for Tom to go into his little internal cave of solitude. In fact, he had lasted a full week longer than you'd thought he would.

After he had split with his girlfriend in November, Tom had been fine. He had been fine, still, on Christmas. And at New Year's. But you knew Valentine's was going to get him good this year. In fact, you were simply waiting for him to hole himself up in his room, not speak a word to anybody, and do nothing but scroll through Instagram all day. Not that that's how Tom usually is...

Usually, he's the goofiest, kindest, most gentlemanly, and fun person in the room, the building, and on the block. Maybe even in the world. But ever since the break-up, you'd been expecting something like this to happen. It had been too much of a serious relationship for Tom to actually be as fine as he seemed. And, supposedly, it just took Valentine's Day to do it.

When you arrived at his flat, you had to let yourself in. All of the lights were off.

"Tom?" You called, setting your bag down on the counter. "Where are you?" 

No response.

"Tom?" You poked around the apartment, looking into rooms hither and thither, when at last you found him in the sitting room, sprawled belly-up on the floor with his phone dangerously close to his eyes.

"Are you alright?" You asked sticking your head around the doorway.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Tom replied quickly, his voice three octaves lower and yet five times as breaky.

"Tom, have you been crying?" You plopped yourself down onto the floor next to him and tore his phone away from his hands, then tossed it onto the sofa beside you.

"No! Y/N, I told you I'm fine," he laughed half-heartedly. He rolled over and dug his fingers into your ribs in a tickle and you rolled away squealing with laughter. Tom sat up, unable to keep a smile from his face. In the light of the window, you could see tear tracks on his cheeks.

"Tom, you HAVE been crying!"

"Well...yeah, I was, but I'm not anymore. I wish you'd quit worrying so much." 

"Well, I'm supposed to worry about you, aren't I? We've been friends since Primary."

"I know. And I love you. I'm just fine, okay?"

"Well, I don't believe you, but I won't have you just sitting around here all day." You picked yourself up off of the floor and switched on the lights. Tom grimaced like a frying vampire and you dragged him up by his wrists.

"Valentine's is a stupid holiday anyway," he whined.

"You didn't think that when you were taken," you retorted. Without a comeback, Tom sighed defeatedly.

"So what are you going to do with me?" He stretched his arms above his head.

"Well, first, I'm going to make you take a shower!" You coughed.

Time-Skip brought to you by: my lack of motivation and terrible writing *smiles sarcastically*

Once you had cleaned Tom up sufficiently, which took some time, let me tell you, you dragged him out the door. 

It was a lovely day, for February, and the sun was shining neatly through the clouds, but you hadn't exactly formulated a plan for the day...even though you knew exactly what you were hoping for.

But who were you kidding? No matter how much Tom excited the butterflies in your stomach, no matter how much you blushed when he told you he loved you (even if only as a friend), you weren't going to be his lady in shining armor. You weren't going to end the day with a Valentine kiss. And you knew it...the guy was still heartbroken. But at least you were able to spend it with your best friend and the man you loved most in the world: Tom Holland.

Your day consisted of a cheap (but surprisingly fulfilling) lunch at a hole-in-the-wall dive, a walk in the park, and a movie. It would have been a perfect date, but you had tried to keep that thought out of your head as much as you could.

Currently, the pair of you were in Tom's kitchen. You were seated at a barstool at the counter watching Tom make dinner. You had actually succeeded in making him laugh and smile for most of the day. If that wasn't a gift enough, nothing was.

"So, are you feeling any better, then?" you asked between sips of wine.

"Loads, actually. Thank you so much, Y/N. I don't deserve you," Tom chuckled. In the process of looking at you, his knife missed the celery he was chopping and a piece hopped over the counter to you. You both laughed as Tom reached over to you to grab it, but when he looked up, your faces were inches away. Your stomach lept to life again and you swallowed hard.

What was that look he was giving you? His eyes changed, didn't they? Did they? Were you imagining this? The air felt hot and thick. Suddenly, the utterly unexpected happened. He leaned an extra bit forward and captured your lips in a kiss.

When at last you broke apart, you were exhilarated...and then devastated. Tom must have seen the look on your face because he ambled, "Oh my god, I am so sorry...I shouldn't have assumed...that was awful of me."

"!" You interrupted. "I...I loved it."

"You...then what's the matter?" Tom came around the counter and sat beside you.

"It's just...that didn't mean anything to you, I'm sure. I're still getting over her and I don't want to be your rebound and I'm sorry I..."

"No, Y/N. I never do anything unless I'm sure of myself, you know that. And I've been sure of this since the day I met you. I love you, Y/N. And today proves that...the only thing that could possibly have cheered me up was you and you did. You're my angel and my lucky star and you make this entire holiday worth the celebration."

"Oh, Tom...I don't know what to say."

"Then don't." Tom brought your lips back together.

"Happy Valentine's, Tom."

"It is now."

A/N: Dear God, that sucked. I am so so sorry XD I have no motivation whatsoever but I hope you enjoyed it, nonetheless! Lots of love.

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