"I Fell in a Hole!"

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It was about 4 in the morning and you were out for your daily jog (if you're actually one of those brave people who gets up to do things like that, I sincerely salute you. That's dedication). You were running through the park and enjoying the crisp morning air before the sun rose. It was perfect...the only time you got to yourself. There was nobody around for at least the mile that was the park but you.

Your city had been getting some complaints that it needed more shade to chase off the summer heat, so your park had recently brought in some construction equipment to dig holes for the trees they were planting. You couldn't believe the picturesque scene as you jogged around the trunks of the fully-grown eucalyptus trees that had just been planted. It even still smelled earthy. 

You looked up into the canopy above you and kept running off-road towards the direction of the playground. Since you weren't looking where you were going, you accidentally tripped on a ripped-up dead root and tumbled ten feet to the ground, screaming.

You hit the dirt with a deafening thud and got shakily to your feet, brushing soil off your lavender-colored leggings. "Shoot!" you muttered, trying to work out a stain in the left butt cheek. "I just bought those yesterday!"

Only then did you happen to look up. You were standing in one of the many empty tree holes. "No, no, no, no!" you whispered. The surface was at least five feet above your head. It wasn't a small hole. Since the trees the city had ordered were fully grown, the holes were huge. And they weren't fun to be in.

You jumped, trying to reach the edge that you might pull yourself up, but no such luck. You came back down and your messy bun came undone. You tried several more times hoping something would change, but nothing did. And half the city was still asleep. Nobody would be around for at least three more hours.

You paced the circumference of the hole and looked up at the brightening gray sky. Grabbing some old roots, you attempted to climb up the wall, but that didn't work either. Finally, having run out of options, you cupped your hands to your mouth and shouted.

"Help! Help! Somebody? I'm stuck down here!" You began to yell. It was then that you made the unfortunate discovery of the fact that you were claustrophobic. "HELP MEEEEE!" Your cries were getting more and more desperate, but still nobody came. 

You slumped down against the wall and buried your face in your hands, thinking. What to do. What to do. Now you were scared that one of the contractors would come for work, not see you, and drop a tree on you.

You pulled out your phone and tried to call 911. If that wasn't an emergency, you didn't know what was. But you had no service. "Dammit, Verizon!" You spat at nobody. 

An hour later, you heard someone jogging closer, on your same running route. Gathering hope, you shouted, "HELP! HELP! I'M DOWN HERE!" The footfalls stopped and came over to the edge of the hole. A familiar face peered down at you. It was your boyfriend, Tom!

"Oh, Tom, thank God! I've been down here for an hour!" You sighed.

"What the...what happened to you?" Tom Holland asked, bewildered.

"I fell in a hole!"


"Please help me!"

"Okay, Okay! One sec." Tom laid on his stomach and reached the top half of his body into the hole, extending his arms toward you. "Grab on!" 

You grasped his fingertips and eventually his hands. Slowly, Tom pulled you up like it was one of his training exercises for Spider-Man. You collapsed on the ground next to him, panting. "Thanks for that," you laughed.

"Any time," Tom replied. "But we can talk about how you got in there later." He laughed with you and the two of you got up to continue your run. A little way forward, you turned around and Tom was gone.

"Tom?" you asked, turning around full circle, confused.

"Uh...Y/N?" Came a voice from the hole right next to you. You looked down at Tom on his butt and just laughed. Tom shrugged.

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