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Day 30- Favorite pic of idol

Seriously, why doesn't anybody talk about this one? It's been my favorite for years! Also, stay tuned for a very important announcement about what comes next for the future of this little archive. Thanks a million!


In the waining heat of late afternoon, in the middle of a field somewhere, a couple was laid next to each other on a red checkered blanket, staring up at the sky.

"I can't believe you have to go tomorrow," said the girl, sighing sadly. She tucked her head in the crook of the guy's neck.

"Please don't think about it, love. I won't be gone forever...and besides...we still have another eight hours together."

"But I'm going to miss you so much, Tom," the girl breathed quietly. The man called Tom turned his head to look at her.

"I'm still here, darling." There was silence for a moment as the figures turned to look back up at the sky, both trying not to think about tomorrow.

"Look, there's a lollipop!" The girl said, giggling, and pointing at a specific little white tuft in the bright blue sky. To her, it did look like a lollipop. To Tom, it was different.

"I think it looks like you," he said softly. The girl sat up on her elbows, cocked her head and squinted at the cloud.

"You think I look like a lollipop?" She laughed.

"No, I think you look like you. Beautiful, perfect, you." Tom grinned at the cloud. "I mean it makes sense that I see it that way, though," he told the girl.

"Why?" She asked, turning to look at him. Their eyes locked in a moment of pure, innocent, true love. Silence for a while more.

"Because I read somewhere that you see clouds as whatever you want most. You see a lollipop because it reminds you of our first date. I see you because I want you most. Forever," Tom explained, shrugging. Some birds flew overhead, twittering happily.

"That's really sweet, you know," the girl told him, blushing.

"It's true."

Tom Holland ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now