Hold On Tight

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Day 5- Idol in Red (this one's actually one of my favorites)

R/N = Roommate's Name

You were sitting on your bed, watching your roommate try to finish a painting she'd been working on. To be perfectly honest, you were bored out of your mind.

"What do you think, Y/N? Is the sky too white?" R/N turned around to ask you.

"No, it looks fine," you told her, not even looking at the painting.

"Cool. Thanks."

Just as you thought you were about to snap, the doorbell rang. You jumped up and ran to the door, tripping over a lump in the rug as you went. You flung open the door, out of breath. 

"Er...are you alright, Y/N?" Tom asked you from the other side of the doorframe. Instead of answering him, you just flung your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist.

"Thank GOD you're here! I was just about to die of boredom," you mumbled into his neck.

"Well, I'm glad I saved you then," Tom laughed in reply. "I guess I really am a superhero. And by the way, good grip. You're going to need it."

"What?" You jumped down onto the porch.

"Put those on," Tom told you, pointing to your old, worn-out white converse by the door. "We're going on an adventure."

You did as you were told, grateful for the "adventure" to cure your boredom. Tom dragged you by your wrist down the front steps and out to the sidewalk. 

"Where are we going? You didn't even bring your car!" You looked around for Tom's vehicle, but couldn't find it parked in the driveway or anywhere on the street.

"That's because we aren't taking the car." Tom lugged you again, down the sidewalk this time, to the street corner, where a beautiful, shiny-black Harley Davidson motorcycle was parked.

"What the....Tom? When did you get a motorcycle?" You reached out to touch the chrome.

"It isn't mine. I had to learn to drive one for the next movie I'm doing, and I just got my license today, so I figured I'd take you for a ride!"

"Uhhh...wow!" You didn't know what to say. Having never ridden a motorcycle before, you were just a little bit (okay a lot) petrified.

"You'll be fine." Tom rubbed your back sweetly. "Here, put this on." He handed you a pretty turquoise helmet with a little white flower painted on the side. Gingerly, you did so. 

Then, Tom got on the bike, kickstarted it, and beckoned for you to join him. Carefully, you straddled the mororcycle and placed your hands on your knees.

"Are you sure you want to do that, sweetie?" Tom chuckled, looking at your hands in your lap.

"Yes?" You weren't sure it was the right answer. Tom, however, took both of your arms and wrapped them around his middle, lacing your faingers together.

"We don't want you falling off, now do we?" You shook your head. "Alright. Are you ready?" You nodded warily, and Tom saw right through your brave face. "Hold on as tight as you need, okay?" He leaned back, kissed your nose and took off.

Initially, you screamed. It was rather embarrassing, really, but you'd heard the horror stories about motorbike crashes. You shut your eyes tightly and buried your head in Tom's back. Suddenly, he sped up. You tightened your grip around his torso enough for you to feel his strong abs beneath your wrists. You couldn't look up. You were terrified. 

Tom quickly turned a corner and you slid a little to one side, making you wail in fear. "Tom, pull over! Make it stop! I can't. I..." Tom pulled over on the curb of an empty little park. You got off the bike as fast as you could, stood on the sidewalk, and began to cry.

Tom shut off the engine and came over to hug you. "What's wrong, darling?" You just wept into his shoulder.

"I can't. It's too dangerous. I can't." You shook your head hysterically.

"Oh, sweetheart. It's okay. Listen...it can be dangerous. But do you trust me?" You nodded in response. "Well then trust that I know what I'm doing. Because I won't let anything happen to you. Ever."

"I know, but I just...I'm scared, Tom."

"I know, love. I know you're scared. But once you get used to this, it's a thrill. Come on. I'll go slowly this time." 

"O-okay." You sniffled, climbing back on behind him. Tom started the bike and you automatically clenched your arms around him like a vice.

"Look, it's okay. It's fine. Keep your eyes open, darling." You opened your eyes. In reality, you weren't going all that fast. In fact, it was rather beautiful. It was a gorgeous day. You looked around you at the trees and the sky (after which, realizing that R/N's sky had been a bit too white). It was nice.

Tom sped up a bit, realizing you'd relinquished your death-grip on him a little. The wind blew your hair back off your shoulders, cooling you down nicely.

"Hey, Tom?"


"You can go faster if you want to," you told him. 

"You're sure?"

"Yeah. This is actually really fun!"

Tom went full speed and you realized you were thoroughly enjoying yourself. You allowed yourself to loosen your grip on Tom. 

"Wahoooo!" You yelled joyously. It really was an adventure, as promised.

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