Burst Pipe

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Day 16- Idol laughing

It was around nine in the morning and you were toweling off your hair. You always did your hair last when you got ready in the morning. That way you didn't have to ruin it by putting on your clothes. 

You were just about ready when you heard the doorbell ring. Sighing, you opened the door to your tiny apartment. Who should be standing outside the door but your best friend, Tom. Not only that, he had a towel over his arm.

"Tom? What are you doing here? Why do you have a towel? Wha..." you blinked hard.

"Can I come in, or..." he started. You shook yourself out of it.

"Yeah. Of course." You closed the door softly behind him. "What can I do for you?"

"Well, I've had a burst pipe and I really really  need to take a shower and I was wondering if I could borrow yours," he rambled, a little quickly.

"Erm...sure! What are friends for?" You were still rather confused.

You sat on your couch with a cup of tea, reading a magazine, until the sound of the running water from the bathroom ceased. You flipped the page. The door creaked open.

"Hey! Y/N?"


"I hope you don't mind...I used your shampoo." You looked up from the magazine. Tom was standing in the hallway with his towel wrapped low around his waist. You choked a little bit on your tea. "You okay?"

"Um..yeah. Choked on my tea. Sure that's fine." Trying to curb your attraction, you hoped you'd answered whatever question he'd asked you satisfactorily enough...without giving it away that you hadn't really heard him at all.

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