Tropemas Day 12: Proposal Fic

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A/N: On the twelfth day of Tropemas, my Author gave to me: People getting married, you and Tom in High school, Peter being cheesy, Thomas with a fever, romance between kiddies, a suicidal uterus, total loss of memory, A BROKEN ELEVATORRRRRRRR! Cute pregnant couples, kids having coffee, Enemies-to-Lovers, and a cliche "One-Bed" storyyyyyy!

You guys!!! This is officially the last one!


I'd been thinking about proposing to Y/N for about a year. Sure, it seemed fast, but I'd known she was the one the moment I laid eyes on her.

My dad had told me to propose on Christmas, saying holiday proposals are sweet and romantic. My mum, on the other hand, responded saying they're cliche and kind of ridiculous. That threw my plan out the window.

So I sat in bed with the ring in my hand, just waiting for a decision to come to mind. It was getting me so worked up that I couldn't really sleep. I knew I needed to though. So finally, with all of the wisdom bequeathed to me by 4 in the morning, I grabbed Y/N's left hand from where she lay sleeping next to me and gently slid the ring on.

"Merry Christmas, darling," I sighed, turning over in an attempt to find sleep once again.

TIME SKIP: Brought to you by Chris Evans' left boob grab (credits go to @pottrrheadweasley22) This one's one of my favorites XD keep 'em coming, guys!

When at last I woke up on Christmas morning, I'd pretty much forgotten about what I'd done. Y/N stirred softly beside me, turning over to face me.

"Morning, Tom!" she groaned with the thickness of morning in her voice "Happy Christmas!"

"Morning, love!" I sighed, leaning in for a quick kiss. She reached up to touch my face and I felt the chill of cold metal on my jaw. My eyes flew open as I suddenly remembered the completely idiotic thing I'd done the night before.

"What is it?" Y/N asked. She removed her hand to examine it. "Tom....what's this?" She gently pulled the diamond ring off her finger.

"Welll.....fine. I was going to propose to you this morning because it's Christmas, but my mum said girls think that's stupid so I started to overthink it like you wouldn't believe and then I got all worked up and just....did that."

"Well," Y/N started. I held my breath. "yes."

"What?" I asked, my brain befuddled by my own stupidity.

"Yes, Tom. I'll marry you. Of course I will!" She laughed and pulled me in for another kiss.

"You don't think I've been creepy or stupid?"

"Of course I don't! Tom, that's really the sweetest thing. And I don't care what your mum says, I think a Christmas proposal is lovely. And I love you. So, yes. I'll marry you."

"Oh...OHMYGOD!" I jumped out of bed and hopped wildly around the room.

"Tom?" she chuckled.

"Yes?" I asked, flopping down on the bed again.

"I can't wait to spend my life with you."

A/N: And with that, MERRY CHRISTMAS, MY LOVELIES! I hope you all have an excellent holiday. Make sure to look for next week's imagine in a continuation book! I'll make an announcement about it here, so keep watch!! <3

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