"Don't Be a Tease"

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D7- Favorite Tom Bromance

A/N: Because who doesn't love the Gylland bromance? Sorry this is so late, lovelies! It was dad's day over here yesterday and I wanted to spend more time with my favorite man on the planet on his special day. This one's slightly suggestive (I hate myself for this), so read at your own discretion 😂.

It was (43 degrees celsius, 110 degrees farenheit) in the middle of the hottest day of the summer. In other words, you were BAKING. Not to mention your air conditioner (one of the only ones on your block in Kingston) cut out on you the day previous and all you had were tiny electric fans that barely made a dent in the hellish conditions of your flat.

You were emptying the dishwasher, and the hot steam from the appliance you were working with only added to your temperature overload, so you decided to do something about it. You unbuttoned your collared tee a few buttons and continued to stack the clean plates on the counter, but immediately began to sweat again. Suddenly, you got an idea. It wouldn't be that bad, you told yourself, since you were at home and by yourself.

So, you unbuttoned your shirt all the way down to the tied ends. Since the shirt was, in fact, tied at the bottom, the fabric was enough to cover your most of yourself, but not enough to cover the rest of you, leaving quite a bit of your bare skin still exposed (A/N: aaaah...please don't hate me lol). Completely refreshed by the cooling sensation your bareness left you with (and rather impressed by your innovative way to beat the heat), you removed your shorts as well so that you were dressed in only an unbuttoned tie shirt and your favorite pair of lacy panties.

You bent over to get a few glasses off the rack when you heard someone enter the kitchen behind you. It was just Tom, your husband, and you expected him to continue into the next room, but the sound of his footsteps stopped and you heard him suck in a sharp breath of air. You turned around to greet him with a smile, but were amused to find his eyes widening at the state of your current clothing situation. "Hi, love!" 

"Y/N!" he whined, "Stop that. You know it's not fair." He shook his head at you, although his eyes couldn't quite seem to pop back into his head.

"What do you mean?" you asked, honestly confused. You bent over, grabbed a glass from the diswasher and put it into the cabinet. You turned back to your husband, waiting for him to answer, but all he could manage was a hard swallow.

"You know perfectly well what I mean," he told you. What was that supposed to mean?

"I honestly don't, darling," you replied, "and by the way, will you call the air conditioning repair people sometime today? I can't handle much more of this." You fanned yourself with your hand, then proceeded to empty the dishwasher.

"Neither can I," Tom muttered thickly.

"What was that?" You turned around to face him.

"Nothing, love, but please put some clothes on. Or at least button up your shirt," he urged you. 

"I, for one, don't understand what your problem is, Thomas. It's hot enough to fry an egg on the hood of your car out there, our air conditioning is broken, and I'm in my own home. I should be allowed to do what I'd like," you laughed. Tom looked like he was about to lose it. You just shrugged and put the plates in the cabinet.

"Oh, for Hell's sake, Y/N! Don't be a tease!" Tom groaned. Your head snapped to face him.


"Don't be a tease! You're driving me mad dressed like that!" You couldn't help yourself. You burst out laughing.

"Oh, I'm sorry, love, I didn't realize that...well...I suppose that's a compliment, isn't it?" You laughed and laughed some more. "You should've just told me!"

"Well, of course I'm going to tell my wife that she's driving me insane dressed like a summertime stripper while putting away our dishes in the kitchen," he asserted sarcastically.

"That's going a little far, love. It's just a few buttons." You still hadn't ceased your laughing, but you could tell Tom had had enough, so you closed the dishwasher, moved over to him and gave him a big kiss. "Alright, alright. I'm sorry. It won't happen again."

"Good," he replied, kissing you again (this time, harder). "And in return, I'll make sure to call the air conditioning company."

"Good," you told him, pausing to button up your shirt. "Oh, and by the way," you started, smirking, "Nice tent, Casanova."

A/N: Okay...so I really debated whether or not to post this one since I usually don't write things like this at all, (and I legitimately cringed the entire time writing it), but I hope some of you thought it was okay. If I decide it's a bit too dirty, I might remove it, so let me know what you think and I'll make my decision based on that. 



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