In the Distance

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Day 12- Idol in White

I'm trying something a bit different... in this one, you don't personally know Tom.

It happened at a restaraunt in San Francisco. You were there with your best friend to catch up, since you hadn't seen one another in months. It was a little hole-in-the-wall Italian place, but the two of you had been going there since you were childeren. And if you would've known your favorite actor, dancer, and overall person was sitting just across the room from you, you probably would have had a heart attack and died.

To you and F/N, it was just another table. One with three guys seated around it, talking quietly over their pint glasses. And you left the restaraunt before them, so you didn't even catch them walking to the door.

The next morning, you woke up late in your apartment. You slid out of bed, checked your phone, then dove into Instagram, scrolling through posts, posts and more posts. Some of them were memes. Some of them from your extended family. One in particular caught your eye.

"Had a fantastic time at Capolavoro last night! Thanks to the boys for making by birthday so special," the caption stated. You couldn't believe it. Capolavoro? Capolavoro?  Impossible. Tom Holland couldn't have been at the same restaraunt as you on the same night without you noticing. Could he? 

You looked at the date on your phone. June 2. Yesterday had  been his

You zoomed in on the photograph of Tom, Haz, and Jacob. NO way. It was true? You almost dropped your phone when you got off the bed out of disbelief. There, in the distance, was you. You were facing your camera and laughing at something F/N had said. It was a rather attractive photo of you, really. But you just couldn't believe that you were in one of Tom Holland's photos. And he might never notice.

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