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A/N: Hi, all! Whew! We finally finished the song imagines. I apologize for my absence the past couple weeks. I've been having kind of a rough time. HOWEVER, I'm attempting to get out 2 one-shots for you this weekend in order to make up for it. Enjoy! 

TW: Mentions of past self-harm

"How'd you get that one?" Y/N asked, pointing to the scar on Tom's chin.

"I threw a teddy into the fan when I was five since Haz wanted to see if we could get it to stay on and go for a ride," he laughed, touching the area with a gentle hand as if he'd forgotten it was there.

"Did it stay?" Y/N asked, chuckling.

"No," Tom replied. "But it did break the light and cut my face!" 

The pair burst out laughing. They were sprawled out on Tom's deck, attempting to soak up the rare bit of sunshine that had peeked through the clouds. A few minutes previous, they'd begun comparing scars.

"How 'bout you? How'd you get the one on your forehead?" Tom asked, gently poking the tiny line in between Y/N's eyebrows.

"Oh!" Y/N chuckled at the memory. "It's kind of stupid, really."

"Go on!" Tom urged, elbowing her playfully in the side.

"Well when I was young, we had an above-ground hot tub in our yard with one of those little ceramic garden gnomes near the steps. I was trying to get down the steps, but they were all slippery with water, so I fell off and cracked my head open on the gnome." Y/N sighed, remembering a day that felt a million years old.

"Ouch!" Tom laughed, sitting up. "Get this...see this one on my knee here?"


"I was skateboarding with Harry a few years ago and he was in front of me, but he hit a rock and fell over. Obviously, I didn't want to run him over, so I tried to jump off the board and over him, but I missed and skidded like 3 feet on the pavement."

"Damn! That must've hurt!"

"Tell me about it. My dad was picking gravel out of me for hours! Hey, what are those ones? Did you have a cat that went wacko on you?" Tom chuckled, noticing some faded white lines on the back of Y/N's wrist where her arm hair had ceased to grow. Her face fell immediately.

"What's the matter?" Tom asked, now seriously concerned at the dark look that had crossed Y/N's face.

"It's just...I haven't thought about those in a while."

"What do you mean?"

"I did that, actually," Y/N responded, chuckling a little sadly to herself. Tom's eyes widened.


"I was really depressed for years. I found a razor blade in my dad's tool kit and..." she broke off.

"Oh, Y/N," Tom shook his head, gently picking up her arm and caressing the little lines with the pad of his thumb. When he looked up at her, his eyes were full of tears. "Why would you do this?"

Y/N couldn't answer. She just shook her head. "I hated myself." There was silence for a moment. "I've been clean for three years."

Tom wrapped Y/N in a tight hug. "Listen to me," he mumbled into her neck. "You are the most beautiful person I have ever known. Inside and out. You light up the world every second you're alive. And I'm so sorry you couldn't see it. But I promise as long as I live I'm going to help you to, okay? You mean the whole world to me and I am so proud of you." 

Y/N wiped her eyes and gave Tom a tearful smile when they pulled apart. "Thank you, Tom."

He bent down and kissed her scars. "These are the most beautiful of everything you've shown me today. Because it means you survived."

Tom Holland ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now