Halloween Special 2021

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A/N: Hi, cuties! LuckyHolland here! It's been so long since I posted last that I forgot my own introduction! Here's a little something for Halloween this year! I promise I will get to your requests as soon as I can! I'm in a musical currently and we're approaching Hell Week, so I've had less and less time, but I promise I haven't forgotten about you! 

November first. The worst day of the year, in your opinion? Why? Well, of course there was the fact that you without fail were coming off a massive sugar-high from the night before, but mostly it was the dreaded letdown of knowing there would be almost two months of boring-old nothing before you had a chance to be excited about something again.

You lay sprawled on the sofa in your nest of shining candy wrappers, watching the television blankly as it played reruns of Harry Potter for what was the eightieth time (not that you were complaining).

"Hey, Y/N, do you remember seeing any Reese's last night?" Came Tom's voice from the bedroom. You could hear him trying to communicate with you over the toothbrush in his mouth.

"Hmm?" You asked, startled out of your stupor.

After a few seconds (during which you could hear running water and the spitting of toothpaste), Tom came into the room. "I asked if you'd seen any Reese's last night. I'm kind of craving one right now."

"Oh. Uh, I dunno," you sighed, unable to think about eating any more sugar for another year.

"What's the matter?" Tom asked, flopping onto the sofa next to you.

"It's just...I really hate when Halloween is over because all the sudden there's this massive stretch of nothingness before Christmas and life is all...." you made a raspberry sound with your mouth. Tom laughed.

"Is that it? Well, in that case, cheer up! It's only boring if you let it be."

"What do you mean?"

"Every day of my life as long as I'm with you is a new and exciting adventure. And we'll make sure to do something fun every day until Christmas and even after that."



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