Jealous: Part 1

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Day 18- Idol winking (there's actually not a lot of these out there)

You were over at Tom, Haz and Tuwaine's house, chilling on the couch, as usual. The boys had given you a key, since you were practically a sister to them, and they always loved having you over. 

It was 11 in the morning on a Sunday and Tom was out on a date. If you were being completely honest, every time you thought about it, you were filled with this wave of anger and your fists clenched subconsciously. You didn't know why. You'd known Tom as long as you'd known Haz...since you were 5 years old. And maybe you were a little overprotective? He wasn't in a relationship at the time, and everyone he went out with made you a bit angry. What if they were a psychotic fan? What if they planned to kidnap him for a randsom? What if...

"Hey, Y/N! You alright?" Tuwaine's voice interrupted your thoughts. You nearly jumped out of your skin.

"Erm...Yeah. I'm fine." You shook your head violently, as if to shake the thoughts out of your ears, and reached your hand into the chip bowl.

"You sure? You've seemed off all morning," Harrison muted the television. Both the boys' eyes bore into your soul.

"Yeah. I'm fine!" You really didn't understand what was wrong with them. Your two best friends gave you their best I-don't-believe-you look. "Really," you whined, chucking a pillow at each of their faces.

"You worrying about Tom again?" Tuwaine accused. 


"You always get this really nasty look on your face whenever he goes out with someone," Haz chuckled. 

"Yeah, mate. It's pretty obvious," said Tuwaine. Were you really that obvious about it?

"No I don't!" Unluckily for you, you were a terrible liar.

"Yes you do!" The boys insisted together.

"Okay, fine. Maybe I do get a little worried. But he's Tom Holland, for crying out loud! Who knows what creep he could be out with?" You rambled and rambled on for at least two minutes. When you were finished, you saw Harrison and Tuwaine exchange a look. "What?" 

"You're so jealous! It's hilarious!" Haz burst out laughing. He threw the pillow back at you.

"WHAT? No! I'm not! No way!" You were utterly baffled. Jealous? "What do you mean?"

"You wish you were out with Tom! And Hell, yes you are!" 

You thought for a moment. No. You couldn't be jealous. Not that way. You and Tom had been best friends for years. But before the conversation could continue, the front door swung open. Tom entered, his arm around the waist of a giggling readhead.

"Hey, everyone! This is Lizzie!" he announced. The girl waved.

"Hey," Harrison and Tuwaine waved at her. You stayed silent, but smiled your best sarcastic smile. You only realized you'd been clenching your fist again when your knuckles popped. Haz gave you a look. 

"Oh, you must be Y/N!" Lizzie exclaimed. You nodded, warily. How did she know who you were? "Everyone's talking about you, you know." She said that with a secret sneer on her face, like whatever people were saying was nasty and she enjoyed that. The knuckles on your other fist popped. Tuwaine looked at you, his eyes asking if you were alright. Tom looked at you as well, utterly confused.

So mabye you were a little jealous. Okay, a lot jealous. Just he way he had her by the waist. How happy he'd looked when he came to introduce her. Sure, you were closer to him. But as a best friend. Could it be possible you wanted more? Lizzie turned around to kiss his cheek. Rage surged through your veins. 

"Such a shame about you, Y/N. You are  really pretty." Lizzie turned back to you again, a snarl pulling at her lips. That was it. You didn't even care about what the press was apparently saying about you. You didn't have time to. You stood up and stormed out of the open front door, but not before passing Tom, to whom you whispered (not so softly), "Real charmer you got there, Holland." You slammed the door behind you.

"What the Hell was that about?!" Tom shouted at Lizzie. Harrison and Tuwaine got up and went into the kitchen, still listening in, but careful not to show it. 

"I've heard the way you talk about her, Thomas. Like she's your princess. Well, I had to bring her down a few pegs, didn't I? To have a chance with you? I had to make up something."

"Well, I'm sorry, but nobody speaks to my friends that way, let alone lies to them, and gets away with it. Y/N is my best friend and I value her more than anything. So you can just leave." Tom pointed to the door. Lizzie made a face at him and left. "Don't let the door hit you in the arse on the way out!" Yelled Tom, furious. Nobody talked to you like that. Nobody.

Eavesdropping in the kitchen, Haz and Tuwaine looked at one another. "It's just one of those things where they're both madly in love with each other and everyone can see it but them." Tuwaine laughed incredulously. Harrison shrugged.

A/N: goood morning! (I mean...It's morning where I live, so...) Part 2 will launch tomorrow...maybe... so make sure to stay tuned for that. I hope you enjoyed and that this made up for yesterday's crappy excuse for art, but oh well. Love and kisses!


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