Meeting Tom Holland...The First Time

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Day 13- Idol smiling

Okay, so I just decided to hop into the second one because I literally have no inspiration (so PLEASE if you have any ideas, SUGGEST THEMMM). Hold onto your hats, because this one's gonna be long.

*collects herself*

So this is the story about how I met Tom Holland the first time. And it starts with the excitement of a comic convention. You see, I wasn't at the comic convention yet at all. This was two days before.

This was last year, and it was announced that Tom Holland would be coming to my hometown comic con, which just about made my life since I go every year anyway. I had booked a photo op with him for Saturday, but the real adventure started on the Thursday before. 

I was finishing up some extra homework I'd had for civics when I happened to check Instagram, for some reason. Tom had posted on his story that he had landed in my hometown and was running around the city. He invited everyone there to come and find him.

Now, being a native of my city and knowing the place like the back of my hand, I could basically tell what hotel he was in just by looking at the background of his room behind him in the shot. 

And I would never have done ANYTHING like this ever ever under any circumstances but the one I was in. But Tom had invited fans to come and find him, so that's exactly what I did.

I went down to the hotel where I knew he was staying and walked around a bit. I arrived at 3:30. Now, there were at least 40 other girls there, but they were loitering. And conjuring the rare bit of wisdom from my mind, I soon realized they were going to be kicked out. Loitering is illegal.

So, I made my way quickly to the gelato shop to purchase a small cup of gelato, since, technically, the hotel isn't allowed to kick out paying customers. Sure enough, when I returned to the lobby, the other girls were being ushered (not so gently, may I add) out the door by a VERY large security guard.

Having finished my gelato, I decided to settle myself in the tearoom and have a cup while I was waiting. This was convenient, since the tearooom looks out over the whole lobby and elevator area.

Long story short, I was sitting in said tearoom until about 5pm. I was the only one there except for the hotel guests coming and going, the staff, and two girls about my age at a table a few aisles down.

Since I had no intention of going anywhere soon, I ordered dinner and settled myself back into my chair, with my eye on the door. And who should waltz right in the revolver itself? Jacob Batalon!

It took me a few minutes to register the fact that he was there. It was a little odd, since he wasn't even a feature guest at the con. The two girls at the table a little ways over jumped up, screaming, ran over to Jacob, and demanded a photo. Without even saying "please". I was absolutely appalled.

Since I'm a very shy person, I waited until they left to make my move. I stood up gingerly, padded over to where he was standing and speaking to the girl that came in with him. I hate when fans are disrespectful to celebrities, so I tried my very best to be polite.

"Excuse me, Jacob...but would you mind taking a photo with me, please?" I queried softly, not even sure he'd heard me. I wasn't nervous at all, actually. Quite the opposite. But I was a little bit uncertain of what he would say.

"Of course!" He told me. He was really sweet about the whole encounter. I absolutely love Jacob, and he was a delight in person as well. 

After copious phonecalls to my friends, freaking out in the bathroom of a five-star hotel, and nearly fainting, I returned to my dinner, and got the rest to go. My waitress was a sweet, older lady. When she brought me back my check, she whispered, "He's in the bar" and winked at me.

I thanked her profusely and brought myself into the hotel gift shop, a few rooms down from the bar, to think. Just my luck. Tom Holland was in the bar. Only 500 feet away from me. And I was underaged. Timecheck: It was 9 at night.

Now, since I don't yet have my lisence (driving petrifies me), my mother was waiting for me in the parking garage. So, I called her in to come and visit with me before we left. She met me in the gift shop, and I explained to her my situation. I was ready to leave. I didn't want to make a big deal out of anything, since I would already be seeing Tom in two days anyway, and I didn't want to bother him if he was having a night to himself.

My mum said she respected my decision, and would take me home. But as we were walking out, we passed the bar. The large security guard stood in front of the door. My mum stopped to poke her head in, but the security guard pulled her aside to talk to her (did I mention he was completely terrifying?).

Frantic, I stood outside the door. The last thing I wanted was to bother Tom, when he had just flown in that day, was probably really jetlagged, and tired of fans. I sat down on the couch outside, twiddling with my phone to keep busy.

What happened next felt so unreal that I still can't really describe it, but I'll try my best. 

While my mother and the guard were off to the side, two men came to the door. One was Jacob Batalon. The other was Tom Holland. It felt like a movie in 4D. Tom Holland--the man I'd idolized for over four years--was standing right in front of me. But he looked so much more real in person (which is a dumb thing to say, but I really don't know how else to put it). It only felt real, however, when he began talking.

It was dumping rain outside and there was thunder and lightening everywhere as well. He made some comment about the weather, and then I realized what was happening. Jacob whispered something to him that I coudn't quite make out.

"So who's the one?" Tom asked. Jacob inclined his head to me, saying something about how "sweet I was earlier". Then Tom and I made eye contact and I think I nearly fainted. Tom nodded. Then, to the security guard, he asked, "could you show us to the rooms please?" 

Since I had yet to find my voice, my mum piped up, "Excuse me, Tom, but could my daughter take a photo with you before you go?" I was rightly embarrassed. How could I ask him for something so selfish as that?

"Of course!" he replied, stopping in his tracks to wait for me. I asked my mum to hold my food while I went over to him.

"Oh my God," I squeaked.

"It's okay!" Tom soothed. Like the way you would talk to a skiddish puppy. I just about died. He held his arms open to me, and then I hugged him. I wanted to pinch myself, quite honestly.

We took our photo, and that was about it. I thanked him, a little shakily, and that was that. To tell you the truth, I felt pretty bad about bothering him, but at the same time, I was over the moon about what had just happened. Would he remember me on Saturday? 

Stay tuned to find out! 

This was all a very true story! I have the photographs to prove it 😂. Maybe if I do a face reveal sometime in the future I'll show them to you all? Anyhoo...please don't think I'm a creep, if that's how this came off. I would absolutely never  have done anything like this without Tom's permission, but I'm glad it turned out the way it did! 




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