Long Night

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D29- Tom with friends (Brothers...because those are the best friends)

It had been a month and a half since you'd last seen your boyfriend. Tom was in Atlanta filming, which left you in your flat alone saving Tessa, who'd been your best and only companion during his absence.

It was a Friday and Tom had promised his return by eight in the evening. However, currently, it was eleven-thirty at night and he still hadn't come home. Tess was curled up next to you in Tom's spot on the bed and you stroked the length of her as you flipped through channels on the television. You landed on The Current War and sighed heavily. Tess's eyes flicked to the screen and she whined pitifully when she heard Tom's voice and saw his miniature figure moving on the television set.

"I know, Tess. I miss him too. Maybe he'll be home when we wake up tomorrow." You reached over and clicked off the TV, the sight of Tom too depressing to entertain. You'd made him dinner...grilled cheese and tomato soup, his favourite. You'd dimmed the lights and set out candles...an attempt at making a cheap and easy dinner look somewhat formal and romantic. You'd set out all of Tom's favorite movies: Love Actually, Primal Fear, The Green Mile, and more. And after sitting all alone for nearly an hour and a half at the dining table, waiting for Tom to come through the front door, you'd given up.

With teary eyes, you had blown out the candles. You hadn't bothered to clean up the food or put away the films. You'd just brushed your teeth, thrown on one of Tom's dirty T-shirts for his scent, and climbed into bed with Tess. You left a window open as you were drifting off. You found the sirens and the horns...the restless life of the city...useful in staving off the lonely silence.

It was about three in the morning when Tom came home. He wasn't expecting you to still be up, so, feeling bad enough already, he softly turned his keys in the lock and came in, careful not to make the door creak. He flipped on the light, which was still dimmed, and what he saw made his heart pang. 

At the dining table, there were two plates of what had once been grilled cheese and two bowls of cold soup, now covered in a greasy film. Tom set down his duffel bags and ventured closer to the table, where he found three of your best stick-candles, all melted down past halfway, and a stack of his favourite movies. He let out a sad sigh, realizing all the trouble you'd gone to for him for nothing. And all because of the flight delay.

Tom took off his ballcap and ran a hand through his hair before hanging his jacket on the dining chair and gently creaking open the door to the bedroom. Startled by the sudden ray of light that fell across her nose, Tessa lifted her head from the bed, where she lay beside you, and thumped her tail excitedly when she realized who was there. 

Tom crouched to meet her as she leapt off the bed and padded over to him. "Hello, Tess! How are my girls?" he whispered, patting her coat. Standing up, he strode over to you, wrapped loosely in his white shirt and smiled sadly. Tom couldn't bear to wake you, not that he would have, so he slid into bed next to you and pulled you into his chest, drawing small designs on your shoulder with his fingers. "I'll make it up to you, I swear," he promised, kissing the top of your head.

Time-Skip brought to you by my debilitating menstrual cramps (smiles weakly)

The next morning, you woke up to cold, yet disturbed sheets. You imagined Tess had leapt off during the night to go find a cooler place to sleep and, to your dismay, there was no sign of Tom yet. Upsetting thoughts began to slip into your mind. What if he was cheating on you? What if his plane crashed? And then, as if on cue, the bedroom door creaked open.

"Ah! She's awake at last!" Tom cooed, sliding into bed next to you and setting a breakfast tray full of your favorite foods on your lap.

"Tom? What's all this for? When did you get home?" You rubbed your eyes, still not fully awake.

"This morning at about three, actually. My flight was delayed because of the weather over here, so we were circling the city for a few hours. I feel awful, love! I'm so sorry. So, I figured I'd return the favour of the meal you made last night." 

You looked up at Tom. His eyes were regretful, yet still sweet, and you pulled him into a grateful bear hug. "I'm just glad to have you back."

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