"It Doesn't Matter"

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D9- Tom and Tess 

AAH! I'm so sorry I haven't updated lately. I have been so slammed. Hopefully this makes up for it! xx LuckyHolland

I arrived home from the supermarket around noon and set the grocery bags on the counter. I was about to announce my arrival when I heard a strange noise coming from the bedroom Tom and I shared. It was the middle of the day and I hadn't expected him to be home, but sure enough, when I peeked around the corner of the hallway, he was sitting on the floor and...crying?

I had never in my life seen Tom cry, as long as we'd been friends. Even when he used to hurt himself on his skateboard or fall off the monkey bars. I gingerly entered the bedroom. Tom's phone was sitting on the floor near the wall. It had a newly-cracked screen, so I assumed he'd thrown it. His shoulders shook with near-silent sobs, though that was all I could see, since his back was to me. 

I was instantly concerned and padded softly into the room, then sat down on the carpet next to him and rubbed his back in slow circles. 

"Y/N?" he acknowledged my presence nasally. I could tell he was embarrassed I'd caught him in tears, but I stayed there anyway.

"Hello, love," I whispered, wiping a stray tear away with my thumb. "What..." I picked my next words carefully so as to not show how worried I was. Whatever had caused Tom to cry must have been something huge. "What happened?"

"It's nothing," he told me, barely audible. 

"Really? Because I've never seen you this upset in my life."

"It's just..." he choked out, "It's just all of these people online are accusing me of all these horrible things. They said I r-raped someone. I-I'd never...I...Y/N you know I..." he broke off, weeping hysterically into my arm. I felt my heart break a little.

"Oh, Tom, I know, darling."

"But do they? What if people believe them? It could end my career and ruin my whole life!"

"Shhh, honey," I rubbed circles into his back, still unable to believe people could be so horrible. "It's okay, love. Your real fans know you better."

"But...but what if they don't? What if they hate me? What if they believe those people?"

"Darling, if they're real fans, they won't believe the lies. And besides, whatever these horrible people are saying, it doesn't matter. Because you and I know the truth. And I will love you no matter what." Tom only nodded in response.

"I threw my phone," he laughed sadly.

"I saw that," I replied. "But darling, whatever happens, I will help you get through it. You've always been there for me and now it's my turn."

"I love you," he told me.

"I love you too, Tommy."

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