Ice Cream

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Day 3- Idol Eating

You and your best friend Tom Holland had decided to go out for ice cream to celebrate your whopping 10-year friendiversary. It was a Friday night, and, luckily, not many people were in line at your favorite ice-cream shop. 

"What are you going to get?" Tom asked you, staring down the rows and rows of ice cream flavors in the freezer. 

"Oh, easy. Mint Chip. It's the best flavor." You were drooling just thinking about your dripping double-scoop with sprinkles on top. But Tom snorted.

"HA! Mint Chip? No, you're mad. It's obviously Buttered Pecan." Tom laughed at you, meanwhile you couldn't believe it.

"Buttered Pecan?  You're the one who's mad! What are you, like eighty?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Tom shot back defensively.

"Only grandpas like Buttered Pecan! It's like prune juice or bingo!" 

"Oh really?"

"YES really!"

"Well only twelve-year-old girls like Mint Chip!"

"You're just saying that!"

"I'm really not! It's true!"

"Shut up!"

"No you shut up!"

"I have the right to say whatever I..."

"Oh get a room!" someone shouted, interrupting your argument. You and Tom looked up at whoever had said something. It was the kid at the checkout counter.

"Wha..." You started.

"I said 'get a room', you two! There's so much sexual tension between you two you could literally cut it with a butter knife!"

You and Tom just looked at each other. You began to blush furiously and so did he, but the blushing was soon followed by fits of laughter. 

Sexual tension? No way.

A/N: Sorry this one kind of sucked. I have literally no motivation. Since I'll be doing this every day for the next 27 days, I'm BEGGING YOU to please suggest/request ideas. They can be literally anything. I'd just feel bad if my writing continued to suck for the rest of this because I'm very rarely inspired 😂



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