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You were very badly injured. Blood coming out of your injuries, old and new scars and alot of bruises and coughing. The thing that made everything worse was that you were in the underground in the snow. You were freezing and the snow did not help. You couldn't give up. You are filled with DETERMINATION. You took a step forward and collapsed. You swore that you heard footsteps coming closer but you didn't care. You were then lifted off of the ground by something slimy and warm. You then were turned around and got a good look of your 'savior'. It was a skeleton that was taller than you covered in a black tar like substance, one cyan blue eye and the tendril that held you upside down." W-wh-o a-a-ar-e y-you?" you asked weakly." I'm Nightmare, King of negativaty. You look terrible!" Nightmare said with a wide eye when he got a closer look at you. Before you could speak, you were shoved into his mouth. He shoved you further into his throat. You were chest deep and he took the first gulp. The gulp was strong. This went on until your head reached a more spacious area. The only body parts left were your calves. He pushed them in and closed his mouth. He swallowed your calves with ease  and your whole body was forced into a ball. You didn't bother to fight because you were out of energy. He was surprised that you didn't bother to fight back." I'm surprised that you didn't fight back. Why didn't you fight back?" He asked." I didn't have enough energy to fight back against you... why must I fight back against the one that saved me from death?" You asked and he had shock all over his facial expression. He was shocked that you have called him a hero when his actually considered a 'villain'." I also know about the balance." You said. Now he was even more shocked. Before he could ask you questions, he felt you go limp and your breathing was slower.'Guess she fell asleep in there.' he thought.

You were now apart of his gang and you tried to convince the stars that there was a balance. Dream knew obviously while Ink and Blueberry were unaware of the balance. Nightmare didn't bother trying to harm his brother or you because you both knew about it.

The End

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