Empireverse! Dream

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Y/n, the child of Dream, was a gorgeous baby. They were just a ball of energy, needing a host to have a physical body like their mother and uncle. Dream knew that Nightmare, leader of the Moon Empire, wanted them as a 'prisoner'. Now, Nightmare loved the small thing but something about him seemed... off. Every time he gave Y/n to Nightmare to calm them down, they immediately fell asleep. He didn't know how but had a strong feeling that Nightmare physically consumed them.

It was 2 weeks later when Dream proved his theory to be correct. Nightmare did consume his baby but was gentle, not wanting to harm them in any way. He confronted Nightmare and asked him to help with helping them sleep. Nightmare did and showed him, making sure to give Dream every single detail to not accidentally harm them.

Dream held them in his gloved hands, handling you with care and love. He opened his maw and gently guided them in with his tongue, not wanting his sharp teeth to hurt them. He closed his mouth and gently swallowed you, as if you were fragile glass. You reached his stomach, panicking before feeling the familiar positive aura that encased you. Calming down, you went to sleep while Dream went to his office.

He started signing papers, complains about the Moon Empire and their leader filled 97% of the papers. The other 3% was about their family getting sick. He wanted to help them really but then those greedy people will complain about Nightmare. He didn't care what they had to say anymore and went to the village anyway, his child safely protected in his stomach.

The End

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