Lamia Error

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Crying, that was all you could hear in the forest. A child, around eleven years old, was mourning over the death of their parents. You see, they were killed by a bear while risking their own lives to save their child. The child felt like their soul was shattered like glass that fell from a building. They were devastated by their family, staring into their soul with their lifeless eyes. The child's name is Y/n L/n. They stood up, looking at their parents one last time before bolting deeper into the forest and into a specific naga's territory. They got scratched by twigs and other stuff but did they care? The answer is: no, they did not give a damn about their injuries that they were receiving. Loud footsteps were heard by the lamia itself. Its yellow, red and blue scales shimmered in the sunlight. It was resting on a branch before slithering from tree to tree, searching for the loud footsteps of the animal and meal he was hunting. When he saw tracks of the meal he was hunting, he saw that it wasn't an animal but rather human tracks embedded in the mud. He saw the size of the footprints and came by the conclusion that it was a human child. He went back to hunting down the mentioned creature, heck, maybe he could use them to get their parents and have three meals in one go! It would last him 6 months before he goes back to hunting. He loved that idea. He smelled the air with his tongues and the scent was strong. You were close somewhere. He found you and saw you with injuries, red puffy eyes and tear streaks that were left behind from your dried up tears. He was curious about why you were upset but went back to hunting you. He sneaked up behind you and then caught you. He used to have hephiphobia but got used to being touched. You didn't scream or move, heck, not even fear. It was as if- he immediately let you go after he realised what you wanted, your wanted to die. You were on the ground, not moving a muscle. You were like a puppet without being controlled by the puppeteer. He came slithering right infront of you, a shadow was casted over your face. He decided to ask you the question he wanted: where were your parents." hEy KiDdO, wHeRe ArE yOuR pArEnS¿" He asked in his glitchy voice." In a place that you'll never find." You said. He tried connecting the dots until you yelled," They're dead!" He was shocked to say the least. He felt guilty. It started raining and the sound of thunder made you squeek. He sighed before grabbing you by your shoulders and shoved you in his mouth. You struggled, squirmed and he heard muffled screams. He made fast work of you and, within 10 minutes, you were in his storage stomach, the snake half of his body. You screamed, begged to be let out but he knew better then to let you out in a dangerous forest like this. He slithered up a tree and made sure that his storage stomach was hanging as to not hurt you while he sleeps. He heard your plea's and cries but ingnored them and went to sleep. It was 45 minutes later that you tired yourself out. You passed out, unaware that the lamia was not really sleeping.

He raised you and you helped him hunt. You were happy that he found you and you would sometimes, on stormy nights, sleep in his storage stomach.

The End

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