Yandere! Swapdream! Dream

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It was just a normal day for you. A scientist coming in to take you for an experiment, hurt you and then bring you back after you've been hurt enough or after they were done experimenting on you. You sighed, wishing that you could just leave this place once and for all. You sighed again and decided to sleep it off and waiting for your painful day, not knowing that the next day would change your life for the greater good forever.

It was the next day and you awaited for your painful experiments but, no one came. This made you curious and a bit relieved to know that you'll be able to rest until someone comes." Hello darling~" a deep voice said. You jumped and turned around to see a skeleton with orange and yellow eyes, with wings, covered in blood. You were scared to death. You kept on saying that the red liquid was strawberry, tomato and watermelon juice in your head." W-who a-are y-y-you?!" You asked, yelling at him." Oh~ Darling~ You're so cute when you don't even recognise your own father~" he said. You were shocked before your memories came flooding in your head." D-d-dad?" You asked, not believing that he was actually here." Who else would it be?" He asked. You didn't get the chance to answer because of a scientist that held you hostage. Dream did not take that too well and got his weapons out." Stop! If you give me that negative gaurdian, then I will let her go. If not, then say bye-bye to her!" The scientist said, cackling evilly." I can finally experiment on that excuse of a gaurdian!" He thought, not knowing that Dream's yandere side kicked in." I would like to see you try." He said before disappearing, making you think that your very own father abandoned you. Suddenly, a head flew past you, some blood splattered on you. Dream cut his head off, bloodlust evident in his sockets." Don't worry darling~ Daddy will always kill those who harm you~" he said. You were now scared of the dead corpse. You began shaking in fear, tears streamed down your face as you backed away from the scientist. You looked up at your now crazy father who still had his yandere side out. You cried and ran to him, his wings and arms wrapped around you in a possessive, yet, protective way. His grin grew wider; full of insanity but when he saw you crying, his grin faltered but his yandere side was still active." D-d-dad, I'm s-s-scared!" You said. His yandere instinct told him to tie you up and torture you but he ignored it, instead, he rubbed your back in a comforting way." No need to be scared, daddy will protect you!" He said, voice still insane. He had to protect you from the others and only keep you to himself and his 'brother'. He thought of swallowing you and that's where he got an idea. You still hugged him, scared of the dead corpse and the alarms that went off two minutes ago." Darling?" He asked." Y-yes d-d-dad?" You asked." Do you trust me?" He asked." Y-yes? W-why?" You asked." Because I'm gonna eat you but don't worry, it won't kill ya~" his answer scared you a bit before realising that he would never hurt you, he was trying to protect you." O-okay." You said, still scared." Get ready!" He said before grabbing your shoulders, causing you to squeak in surprise before your head was shoved in his mouth, him being five heads taller than you made it easier for him to swallow you. His ecto orange tongue licked your face, siliva coating your face before he took the first gulp. You were starting to regret your decision before you felt something press gently against his throat." Is he comforting me?" You thought, being glad that your father was trying to comfort you. Since Dream wanted to get you in his stomach quickly, he took a massive gulp which made you yelp and push you further down his throat. You arrived in a chamber and saw that someone else was in his stomach with you. Only your calves were out of his maw before he pushed them in and swallowed, sending your entire body to his stomach. You finally saw who the being was in there with you. The being was a skeleton with purple and black clothing, golden lining on the rim of his clothes with a bit of cyan. He also wore a crown with a moon embedded in it. After anylising them; the being looked at you, their eyes were a dark purple with cyan outlining." Hello sweetie." They said, shocking you." M-mom?" You asked. They chuckled."I'm not a girl but, I'll accept it." He said." W-why a-are y-y-you in here?" You asked." I don't know either, I just woke up in your father's stomach. I don't know why he ate me but it must be for good reason." He said." I think that I'll have to shrink you so that we don't squish each other." He said, using his magic to shrink you to the size of his palm." Are you alright Darling?" Your father asked." Yes dad! I'm okay!" You said." They are fine, honey. I just shrunk them a little to make space for the both of us." Your 'mother' said. Suddenly, he also shrunk himself." Alright, as long as my family is safe." He said before you felt him moving. You got a bit sleepy from the warmth, movement and steady the pulse of your father's SOUL . It seems that your 'mom' noticed and chuckled half-heartedly." Looks like someone is sleepy.~" he said. Before you could say anything, you suddenly fell face first in a strange liquid, your 'mother' joining you. You heard the sound of wings flapping and assumed that your father was now in the air, flying. You and your 'mother' sat upright and giggled after what just happened. He suddenly grabbed you and sat your head on his lap." Rest now, sweetie. This is going to be a long flight until we reach the castle." He said. You followed his order and slept, him joining you.


Dream heard everything before he took off into the air. He heard them giggle before it stopped, light snoring replaced the silence.' If anyone dares to touch my darlings, then they will have to go through me!' he thought, summoning his weapons before unsommoning them. He regretted swallowing them but he had to, someone could have taken them away from him.

With you

You cuddled your 'mother' in your sleep, not wanting to let go.

An hour later

You woke up still in your father's stomach with your mother, still hearing the sound of wings flapping before they stopped. You heard your father breathing out an exhausted sigh before you heard shuffling, assuming that he layed down on something before feeling him rub his stomach where you and your 'mother' were in. You reached out to the walls that surrounded you, hearing a small chuckle come from your father." Slept well darling?" He asked." Yes, I have slept well dad." You said." I'm gonna take a quick nap before flying back to our castle." He said." Okay dad." You said before hearing light snoring, thinking that your father was napping now. You decided to think of all the events that happened today, from being in a lab and being experimented on to reuniting with your parents. Suddenly; a loud snap was heard and your father jerked up at the sound, your 'mother' also wide awake. You felt your father stand up, his gaurd was up. Growling and snarling was heard.' Wolves!' you thought, whimpering and clutching on your 'mother'. Dream heard your whimpering and started to get ready to fight against the wolves.

It took a bit longer than you thought. Your father defeated the whole pack. Sure he may have injuries here and there but nothing too serious. He decided to leave this place while Nightmare held you close to his chest. Dream opened his wings and flew into the air. He had to get home soon or it'll be nighttime." We're almost there, just an hour before we arrive." He said." Okay." You said.

After you arrived

Dream let you and Nightmare out after arriving in his room. He put you in bed with Nightmare. Nightmare started to use his magic and you both were normal sized. Dream climbed in bed, using his wings to cover the both of you like a blanket. You fell asleep, your parents sleeping aswell.

The End

This is the longest chapter I have made in a very long time. This was requested MoonsRosas. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Bye~

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