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No one requested this but Passive9Nightmare replied on my leaderboard and said that I should do him first then G. I still hope you enjoy this.

Y/n, a tiny skeleton that escaped the destroyed au, collapsed. Alphatale, their home, destroyed for unknown reasons. They wanted to ask their brothers to help them, but it was too late. Their home, their friends, their family, all gone. Tears pricked at the corner of their sockets. Why? Why them? They could have prevented their au from being destroyed! If they had known sooner, maybe they could have saved them! They were only 8 for crying out loud! Then, they remembered something. Infected, their closest friend, killed Alpha, their brother. They remembered how Infected looked like he wasn't in control of his actions, a higher being might have done all those things so that he could get the blame. They made a promise, a promise to find him.

They don't know how much time passed but they started to go insane, clawing at their sockets and tears started to turn into strings. They started to learn to defend themselves, to attack others if needed. They started to train, their stamina and magic growing stronger whenever they trained. They learned how to open portals, not going in them as they were scared to leave their home.

They built enough confidence to go through a portal, not expecting to see familiar skeletons fighting. They looked up and saw Infected and their brother, fighting. They summoned their strings and used it to pull Infected to where they were, standing infront of him protectively." Y/n? Is that you?" Their brother asked, they nodded their head." Why are you protecting him?! He killed Alpha!"" I told you, I didn't kill him! Something controlled me!" They argued until you had enough." ENOUGH! ENOUGH! ENOUGH! HE WAS USED TO KILL ALPHA! THERE! HAPPY?!" Y/n yelled, both of their sockets widened." Y/n... I- I didn't know that he was controlled..." Their brother said, head hung low in shame.

Infected took them with him, taking them to his part of the Mainframe." This is where I live now. It's not much but, it's home." A beanbag was seated, some old photo's were there of when they lived in peace, a bed, their old toys, Alpha's hoodie, a TV and so much more." Let's tuck you in, you seem tired." They nodded their head as they fell asleep, still standing.

Infected grabbed them and opened his maw, shoving them in his open mouth. He swallowed and swallowed, getting them further in his throat. He gulped and gulped until their whole body was in his throat, gulping them down.

They were fully tucked away, Infected watching television. He was glad that they understood what happened to him, knowing that he was controlled to kill Alpha.

Somewhere, a ghostly skeleton watched them from afar. He was glad to see that peace was made between his siblings once more, fading away and into the mind of his brother: Err404.

The End

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