Giant! Unlust! Sans

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There, in the forest, was a basket with something moving and crying in it. It was a baby, abandoned by their own parents who had a good reason to do so. You see, the mother was diagnosed with a very rare disease and the father was in the hospital. The cries of the poor baby was heard by a giant skeleton that had dragon wings and horns with a demon tail that had hearts every five centimetres and the largest at the end. The skeleton gasped in shock, horror and sadness." Who would abandon such a little one in a place like this? Oh- there is a note." He said.

To whoever finds our baby
We couldn't take care
of them anymore
due to me being
diagnosed with a very
rare disease and
my husband
being in the hospital.
I hope that you
can take care of our baby.
We named them Y/n.

- Y/n's parents

He didn't know what to say. He hated the fact that the baby's parents abandoned the poor soul in the woods but, atleast they explained why. He put the basket back down before shrinking to the size of a normal monster. He uncovered the blankets to reveal a still crying baby. His SOUL shattered at the sight. He picked the baby up and started to cradle the poor soul. The baby fell asleep and he sighed, in both happiness and nervousness. He opened his mouth hesitantly and stuffed your head in his mouth, being careful of his canine-like-teeth. He pushed the baby for the second time until they were in his throat, closing his mouth before closing his eyes and swallowed as gently as he could. He didn't want to wake the baby up. It was successful and he turned back to a normal giant skeleton. He had a lot of explaining to do but he didn't mind. He flapped his dragon wings before taking off, unaware of the mother that saw everything and was happy to see someone who took her child in before coughing up blood. She fell to her knees before saying her last words." Goodbye, Y/n and (Father's name)." She eventually passed away, the father passed away two hours later after the mother did.


It has been 7 years after that and Vio took you under his wing. He was the best father you could ever ask for and Shattered being the best mother ever.

The End

Just to say, I don't ship Shattered with Unlust! Even if I am a multishipper, I think of them as just great friends! Please don't hate me because this is MY opinion. I respect your ships. Bye~

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