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You and Fresh!Ink walked around the town, minding your own business. You guys met in the weirdest way ever.


" Come back again soon!" The cashier said. You waved back and said your goodbyes. You walked down the street before you bumped into someone. It was a skeleton with alot of weird clothing. He even had a massive paintbrush. Your eyes looked like they were going to explode out of your head." Woah there pal! That was unrad of you ta bump into me yo." The weird skeleton said. His way of talking was also pretty weird and interesting. It almost made you laugh.

~Flashback end~

" I have to go back home dudette. I'm really sorry." He said." It's fine! I can walk home from here!" You said, sounding neutral but that was fake. You didn't want him to go. He walked away before teleporting away. You started to tear up a bit, unaware that Fresh!Ink saw the whole thing. He was a parasite but he felt like you were his and his only. He snuck up behind you, it was silent with no civilization. It was perfect. He then grabbed you and shoved you in his mouth, you were struggling which made things difficult for the both of you.

~ 15 minutes later~

He finally got you in his gut. You recognised him the minute you heard his voice. You were scared to say the least but got tired from the humid in his gut and from all the crying you did. You fell asleep in his gut while he walked you both to his house

The End

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