NaJ! Lamia! Fresh

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Requested by endless_fresh_storys! Hope you enjoy

" Fresh!" Said monster looked up at the running person, their beautiful hair flowing behind them as they ran." N/n! How was your weekend?" She came to a stop, panting." Same as always. Dad keeps on cheating on mom, mom drinks her sorrows away and my sibling stays at a friend's house." He brought her into a hug, wrapping his colorful tail around her waist. Yes, you heard that right. He is a Lamia or better known as a Naga." N/n, you can come stay at my house for how ever long you want." This offer has been going on for years when Fresh found out about their family. He might be a Nerd and you might be a Jock but that didn't stop you two from being friends. PJ asked you to be in his group but you declined his offer, not wanting to harm others and forcing them into doing your work." Fresh, I you are worried but you know why I can't. They will just accuse me for going out and stealing." Fresh looked at you, boyfriend senses kicking in." Tell me what your father did." His voice sounded serious, nothing you've ever heard from him. Tears welled up in your eyes, blurring everything. Fresh hugged you tighter, not tight enough to not let you breath, and brought you closer to his chest." I'm so sorry, n/n... I shouldn't have asked..." The bell rang, students rushing to their classes." What do you have first? I have math." He tried to change the topic and it worked." I have History, my favourite/least favorite class." He just chuckled in response before you both went your separate ways.

" Run six lapse, GO! Y/n I need to talk to you while the others run." Coach Error glared at the other students and they ran, he looked back at you." What did you need, coach?" He seemed hesitant to tell you something, something you won't believe. " I'm sorry to say this but, your family... they..." Now you were scared." They what?" He gritted his teeth." They passed away." Your eyes widened, tears streaming down your face." N-no... That can't be!" You wanted to deny it, wished that this was just a dream!" I'm sorry. Here, go to Ink's class. He should be on break." He smiled a sad smile before going back to continue his class, letting you go to Art Class. Ink happened to rush out of his class, embracing you into a warm hug." I'm so sorry Y/n, I'm really sorry..." You just stayed in the teachers lounge, face blank as the teachers tried to talk to you during their breaks." Y/n?" You looked up to see Mr. Nightmare in his corrupted form. Maybe the students did something stupid. You ran to him zmd hugged him, taking him by surprise but he hugged back." Oh Y/n. I'm so sorry about your family." He went back to his passive form, laying your head on his chest. Nightmare was like a brother to you, Dream too.

" Y/n, I heard what happened..." Fresh slithered next to you, one arm around your neck."..." No reply, that worried him dearly." Let's go to mines, yeah?" You nodded, still too upset to speak.

Once you both arrived, Fresh immediately coiled his tail around you. You knew what was going on since you both did this multiple times, this situation being different. He opened his maw, tongue being rainbow. He lowered your small, frail form in his maw. His fangs pressed on the roof of his upper jaw to prevent him from poisoning you, his precious girlfriend. Your shoulders covered in saliva as your head entered his throat, he took a massive gulp. Your torso was brought into his throat as you just didn't mind this. It hasn't been one minute before you reached his stomach- not his snake half but his skeleton half. He had to make sure you were comfortable before sending you to your comfy place. After you were comfortable, he send you to his stomach. He went to his bed as he let you rest, him studying.

The End

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