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This character doesn't belong to me! Credit goes to Leavenstructure . Reader will be written as one of my ocs: Gold. If I get his character wrong, I'M SORRY! Also, I hope you enjoy!

For years, she didn't know why she trusted him to keep her away from- whatever he called those large, grey, scaly four-legged creatures.

Gold, an experiment from a lab, walked around in circles by the usual spot she met him: George.

" GOLD!"

Her pacing stopped, head snapped in the direction of a much older male.


She greeted, golden orbs filled with excitement and nervousness.

" How have you been, dad?"

He practically raised her from when she was a pup, giving him the role of a father in her point of view.

" Could have been better."
" What is wrong? You never sigh unless something is bothering you."

He gave her a sad look, one she recognized as the 'I am really sorry' look from when she was only five moons old.

" I am just scared of losing you during the war against Lune and the B36's..."

Oh... right, she almost completely forgot about that.

" Hey,"

She hugged him like a good daughter would.

" I'll make sure we win! I promise!"

He smiled, kind blue eyes full of warmth and love.

" Heh, I know you will."

If only they both knew that one of them wouldn't make it out alive.


Tears rolled down her bloodied cheeks, bruises and cuts oozing with blood while her golden orbs shook.

" No..."

She didn't want to believe it- she didn't want to believe what she saw.

" Nonononono! George! Wake up! T-this isn't f-funny!"

She crawled to the unmoving body, pain shot through her but her adrenaline dulled it.

" George! Don't leave me! Please!"

The only human she knew, the only one that took her in when no one else did: was gone.

The only human she cared about, was gone. Murdered because of him.

Anger seeped through her, blood boiling as she bared her teeth like an actual wolf, ears and tale lowered as she looked up at him. At Lune.


Her voice was soft at first before it got louder, yelling at the person that escaped two seconds ago.

" I will kill you, even if it's the last thing I do!"

The furious growls left her throat, tears streaming down her cheeks more furiously than before.


The next day was full of sobs, anger and guilt.

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