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This was requested by rasrieldreamer. I loved their idea so much that I wanted to do it ( not that it you dirty sinners!). Btw, I made those other stories out of boredom. Hope you like it! Enjoy!

All you saw was darkness. Did you have a family. Are they okay?How old were you? How long have you been here? Seconds? Minutes? Hours? Days? Weeks? Months? Years? You didn't know. Is this what death feels like? Being in an empty void that was endless? You didn't know the answer to that question either. You have tried several times to get out of this... this place! You have tried calling out for help!

But nobody came.

You were scared, scared that you would never get out of this void alive. You didn't remember of what happened nor know why... All you could do was wait. You waited for something, anything to happen. Nothing... Everything was the same. Wake up, wait for something to happen and then sleep. This cycle repeated on and on. One day, you woke up and waited until you saw a bright light. Your eyes widen and you sat up quickly, rushing to touch the light. You got closer and closer to the bright light. Everything disappeared from you touching the light before darkness.

' Beep'

' Beep'

' Beep'

You heard the sound of a heart monitor. You tried opening your eyes but they refused. You waited for a few minutes before trying to open your eyes. You succeeded. You looked at your surroundings. You were in a hospital or some sort of lab. You weren't sure really. You sat upright before hearing gasps. You were shocked and looked at the direction of where you heard the gasps. There were monsters... A skeleton that looked to be a king, a taller one wearing some caretaker clothing and a fish? Okay, skeletons that are walking and breathing are weird but a FISH!? A freaking humanoid fish that looked weird. They looked like a freaking cyborg, unless they are. The skeleton with royal clothing stepped towards you. You squeeked and fell of the bed, flailing your arms as you fell. You hit the ground with a thud and an 'oof' sound. The taller skeleton panicked and walked at a fast pace to your direction. When you saw him approach you, you hissed at him. He and the others were surprised before the royal clad skeleton and the fish burst out laughing. They thought that it was funny. You thought they laughed at you and you lowered your head, ashamed of your actions. The taller skeleton and the fish walked out of the room. It was just the king and you in the room. He approached but this time slower to not make you you feel intimidated by him in any way. You sat up slowly and crawled your way towards him, cautiously. You didn't know whether to trust him or not so you were skeptical around him. You thought about trusting him, for now. You wondered if there were other monsters like him and if there are, will they attack you? You didn't know how to defend yourself against enemies. You went closer until you were close enough for the skeleton to do something unexpectedly. He used magic or powers on you and out came your SOUL. You were now in SOUL form. You didn't know what to do. You couldn't do anything to stop him anyway because his magic held you in place. What he did next made you freeze in absolute fear. He threw you into his wide glowing maw and trapped you in his lit maw. His magic wore off but you were still stuck in SOUL form. You found out why 4 seconds later. His entire mouth had magic. It was then he swallowed you. You were scared. You wanted to scream but couldn't do it. It was as if you were choking on air. It took awhile but you were now in his stomach and in human form this time. You squirmed for a few seconds before you felt tired. You needed rest anyway. So did Sans.

The End

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