Kraken! Nightmare

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Yes but this time, the reader will take the place of a small child that is a thief. Tell me what you think about this chapter! Enjoy~

Run, that's all the child knew in order to escape the guards. The child being only seven years old, being a thief in order to survive the cruel world." There they are! Get them!" People moved out of the way of the guards, not knowing who they were after. They saw the child dissappear in the crowd of people, blending in with the people that surrounded them." Dangit! We lost them!" The guard yelled out in frustration, obviously this not being the first time nor will it be the last." Head back to the castle, we'll try to get them next time!" The captain led the other guards back to the castle, disappointed that he couldn't catch a damn seven year old!

They kept running, not looking back until they reached the shore. Stopping, they sighed before breaking the bread that they've stolen into smaller pieces. They ate until they were full, some leftovers of the bread. Unbeknownst to them, they caught the eye of a creature that waited the perfect opportunity. He was patient, not wanting to hurry things up.

" Get them!" The child ran to the edge of town and towards the shore, knowing that the guards were too scared to reach for them or so they thought. The others ran back to castle to get the cell ready while the other approached the child, getting ready to grab them." Nowhere to run~" He teased, getting closer to where the child stood. Being a mute child was hard, no one understood sign language in the town. Having no choice, the child ran into the ocean." Where do you think you're going?" The guard followed after them, unaware that the creature that kept a watchful eye on the child was getting angry at him for trying to harm HIS prey. The child swam into the open waters, the town and guard still in view." Gotcha!" The child squirmed, making it difficult for the guard to swim back to shore." Hold still you b-" The guard went silent, getting dragged under water by a tentacle. The child getting dragged under water as well, being more gentle than how the guard was pulled. The guard froze from the sight he saw. Before him, a creature that was thought to be myth stared daggers at him. The kraken, a feared creature that was known in myths to have sunk many ships that trespassed its territory. Without warning, the guard was tossed into a cave where a group of skele-sharks were. Getting torn to shreds, the creature looked at the child. He felt, connected to them and not in a romantic way. The child started to lose oxygen but felt connected to the creature as well. The creature opened its maw, scaring the child but closed it as if he yawned. The child ran out of oxygen before passing out, a golden mermaid came into view to make sure that they were not harmed." That was very rude, darling! You scared the poor thing!" He practically took them in his arms, an air bubble created around their head to give them oxygen."..." He just stared at the two with hunger, the mermaid putting on a stern look." Nu-uh! Nightmare- don't you dare!" Nightmare grabbed them with his hand and tossed them in his maw, waiting for the mermaid to let go of the child." Nightmare! You WILL let me out this instant!" He pouted, not in the mood to deal with this." Only if you leave the child alone, Dream." Nightmare spoke. Funk his mischievous tone of voice." Fine!" The maw opened and Dream swam out, placing the child on Nightmare's palm." What are you gonna do with them?" Dream wanted to make sure that Nightmare didn't do anything to them." Eh, keep them. Not really sure but I feel connected to them, I don't know why..." Dream just left it there before going back to the den." Now... let's get you in a safe place." He opened his maw, placing the child on his tongue and closed his jaws before swallowing them. He felt them go to his chest and down to his stomach, sighing before going back to the cave. The child safe in his stomach until they are old enough to be let out.

The End

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