Lamia! Error404

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This is yet another special chapter for DarkSkele and Allo_The_Great. I suddenly got motivated to do a chapter like this, hope you enjoy.

Babies laughing filled the forest, a sound that could melt any cold soul. If you listened closer, you could hear the quiet hisses of a snake.

In the cave was a massive Lamia, it's white; blue and black patterns made it difficult to blend in the surroundings to hunt. In its coils, sleeping after laughing for so long, two babies slept, their small bodies snuggly in the coils. The Lamia looked at the small things, its mitch-matched eyes looking at their features. It found the poor things in the woods, crying with no parents in sight, being only 5 months old. The poor things wouldn't have survived the night if it didn't find them, all helpless and dependant. The creature was huge, atleast as large as two ships! It had to keep them safe, no matter the cost.

Error404, the Lamia that found the babies, kept taking glances at them from time to time, concerned about their body temperatures. He didn't expect to take care of two baby humans, infact, he didn't know how to feed them! He had an instinct to swallow them, keep them in his storage stomach to nurture them but he pushed that instinct away, not wanting to rush in taking care of them. He sighed before closing his sockets, sleep creeping in his head before it welcomed him with open arms.

The sound of a gunshot awoke him as the two babies cried, it sounded near and he was tempted to go kill whoever disturbed him. He didn't have to wait long as the person came in, gazing at him with a pleading look. They didn't look like a monster or human, they looked like a combination of both races and a lamia. Another fact was that they were still a hatchling that hatched 4 days ago. Another gunshot. He couldn't fight the instinct anymore and grabbed them before stuffing them into his maw, his thin and strong tongue held them captive against his palate before swallowing. He turned his attention to the two human cubs, calming them down before gently taking them in aswell.

After the small hatchling and mancubs entered his storage stomach, he went out to seek shelter somewhere else, knowing that the hunters would shoot him in he were in the cave, cornered. He found a large river and slithered in, diving under the water to see if there were any underwater caves that were large enough to fit his size. He was fortunate enough to have found one and coiled up inside, waiting for a few hours to pass before he could let the cubs and hatchling out.

He eventually got out of the cave and on land, seeing that it was night time, the perfect time to ask an old friend to take care of the two cubs.

" What do you mean that you can't take care of them?"" I can't take care of them because I'm scared that Original won't accept them in the pack and tear them apart with no mercy!" Both experiment and Lamia argued with each other." What about me tearing something apart?" Another experiment asked, their markings darker than the other." A-alpha!"" Tell me, 404, what were you talking about?" She lifted a brow." I was wondering if you could take care of two mancubs and a hatchling?" Her ears perked up with interest." Show me." He regurgitated them and showed them to her, worried for the young ones." Deal, take the hatchling to Slither and see if it's one of her adventurous hatchlings while I take these cubs to my den to nurture them." She announced, taking the mancubs in her arms before disappearing in a cloud of pastel purple." Was that so hard?" Deal just stood there in shock, the young Lamia looking up at them with those eyes." Puff! There you are! Thank you so much for taking care of her Deal, she somehow escaped my nest and-"" It wasn't a problem and plus, she is welcome to come to my den at any time." After that, they all took their separate paths.

The End

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