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Requested by Mangelfiquette. Hope you enjoy! Sorry this took so long, my job was very busy!

Running, running was all they thought if they didn't want to be caught. A 6-year-old girl was running through the fields to get away from two people." Y/N! COME BACK HERE YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT!" One of the two figures yelled, trying to capture the young girl." LISTEN TO YOUR MOTHER BITCH!" The other yelled. That just gave her more of a reason to keep running, not wanting to deal with the trauma at home- if she could call it that. She got tired but kept running, determined to bee free from the grasps of those-those MONSTERS!

She couldn't anymore, she was too tired to continue running from them, just wanting to hide for now. Panting, she kept walking around while trying to confuse her parents about her whereabouts. A sudden noise caught her attention, sounding glitchy. Curious, she followed the noise to see a white glitchy portal." THERE YOU ARE YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" Oh no, she turned around and saw her parents. Looking back and forth, she made up her mind and ran for the portal while her parents reacted, trying to get her away from the portal. It turned out to be futile as the portal closed behind the girl after she entered, leaving the parents frustrated and more aggressive than ever.

" Eeeeeeeep!" She fell from the ceiling and landed on her back, thankfully she didn't fracture any bones. She started to relax but it was short lived, her parents found another way to get her. How they did it wasn't new to her as they always find a way to get her, no matter the challenge! Scared and panicked, she backed away before bolting. This place looked like an endless void, a place that held no form of life or so she thought.' Oof' was all she said as she bumped into something or someone. Rubbing her head, she looked up to see a skeleton that glitched and had black tears running down his cheekbones.

 Rubbing her head, she looked up to see a skeleton that glitched and had black tears running down his cheekbones

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He looked intimidating to her, his posture being the only thing that scared her the most. His posture looked like how your boss would stand if he was disappointed, one that sends a shiver down your spine and not in a good way..." What are you d-"" Where are you slut?!" Hearing the word 'slut' made his magic boil, his anger seen on his face as clear as day. Black strings wrapped around her and lifted her up to the 'ceiling', strings also covering her mouth to stop her from screaming." Excuse me? Have you seen our daughter? She's ( insert details)." He shook his head 'no' and both growled lowly and took off, thinking you got out of this place." Tch, such worthless wh*res... I'm gonna ask Error to destroy them..." He sighed before looking up at the girl who was scared, the girl struggling to get free from her 'prison'. He lowered his 'prisoner' and looked at her closely, examining her. Now that he could get a closer look at her, he saw bruises and cuts littered across her arms and legs, her eyes held something he hasn't seen in years: the need of comfort, she wanted comfort." So..." Fear covered the need of comfort when he spoke, she was scared of him harming her." How did you get in the Mainframe?" She didn't say anything, it scared him as his non-existent SOUL shattered at this. She looked at him and then back up, he followed her gaze and saw small parts of a portal, knowing exactly who it was. He looked at the young girl, seeing her curiosity spark when she saw that he was a skeleton." Moser?" If he could, he would laugh but this? This showed she barely knew anything, lovely. Now he would have to teach her everything he knew, how exciting. He let her go and she landed on her face, letting out a quiet 'oof'. She just got up and stared at him, the gaze she had on him made him feel uncomfortable." Ummm, er- what's your name?" He wanted to at least know their name." Name Evie me!" Her sentences were broken, each word in a different part of the sentence. Great! More to teach her!" I'm Error404 but you can call me 404." The sound of two people getting near them was heard, familiar voices filled the air. He had to think quick, he didn't want to loose another person, not again. He got an idea and picked Evie up before shoving her in his mouth." Mmmph-mmmmn!" She struggled but he was much, much stronger than her. He pushed her deeper and deeper into his throat, only her calves left out of his maw. One more swallow and then she'll be safe from the clutches of her 'parents'. He took the final swallow, her head popping into a more roomy chamber. He body slowly entered but once she entered fully, she began to struggle while Error404 struggled to act serious. Once she heard the voice of her mother, she immediately stopped, not wanting to be caught." Can you help us find her? We kind of got lost..." He had an idea to which will cause her parents from continuing the search." Ma'am, your daughter got killed five minutes ago..." Both of them started to laugh like maniacs before leaving, Error404 furious and gave Error his task. After Error got it, Error404 looked down at his middle, knowing full-well that the child might have dozed off. He would have to teach her stuff here and there but atleast she was safe! He'll have to introduce KM, Omnipotent and the others to Evie. Hopefully they'll cooperate with him.

It has been a few weeks now when her shell broke. It took time to break that shell but when it broke, she was a whole other person. She was more open, she was energetic and very cheerful. Everyone from Alphatale adored her, even Infected, surprisingly. He might be the most hated but he didn't care, he loved her and took very good care of her. Some of them even started giving her classes and she's been improving rather quickly which was a surprise for them. She learned new things and grew up with them, her new family until Error decided to steal her and watch Undernovela(?), he was going to die. In the end, Error 'died' when he was caught, rebooting while she was carried by Virus666 to the Mainframe.

The End

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