Freak Part 2

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Requested by Mangelfiquette. Hope you enjoy.

You hated it. You hated it so much to the point you snapped at Sans and Papyrus- scratch that, you snapped at anyone that wanted to attack the two children. So, they stayed away and hoped that the children would be alone. Nope, not on your watch.

" Sans, you called?" You knew that voice. Undyne." I found two huma- WAIT!" Undyne entered the room where you were in, seeing you with the humans." Great job for distracting them for me, punk!" She summoned a spear, causing you to go mom mode." Don'" Undyne was... confused." Punk, we need one of their SOULS to escape the underground if you didn't know."" Oh, I know." You growled at the humanoid fish." Then why protect them if their kind did this to us?" Undyne asked with gritted teeth." Because: I made a promise with the queen." You snarled, fangs being shown when Undyne took a step forward." Nonsense, the queen must be dead. The king said so himself." You snapped, pinning Undyne to the ground while Frisk and Chara went to the other side of you." Tell me, Undyne: have I ever lied?""N-"" Would I attack you with no reason?""No-"" Who has more experience in this room?""Y-"" Did you know that you killed innocent children?" At that, her eyes widened as your (f/c) orbs glared at her."No I-""There is your answer. I never lied, have I? The king did lie. He thought that the queen died and spread it around the underground. What did he say? Oh, that's right," Sans watched in fear as you got closer to Undyne's face."' Humans are to blame for my wife's death. Kill any human you see and bring me their SOULS.'" You let her go, going back to protecting the two 8-year-olds." Y/n, I-" You gave her a glare that even made Sans quiver in fear." Don't.say.a.word." Undyne shut her mouth, sharp and yellow teeth hidden behind her lips." Leave." She did as told, aswell as Sans.

In the end, both 8-year-olds freed the entire underground, though, they preferred to stay with Toriel and Y/n. Well- Y/n was Sans's girlfriend but, she was the alpha and him being the omega. It was one hell of a journey for the group, one that consisted of being whooped by Y/n.

The End

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