Underworld! Sans

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Requested by MaleNameKun. Enjoy!

Y/n, a strong and handsome young man, ran for their life from a group of monsters. He was scared and didn't want to know what would happen if they got him. He saw a dense forest and ran to the forest, wanting to gain the upper hand.

He managed to hide from those creatures, but he knew that he had to keep moving forward. He never wanted any of this- this horrifying situation! He was scared- he held his breath as something MASSIVE walked by him." Whatever that thing was: it was massive and seemed to be looking for him...

He made it to a town called... he didn't know what it was called really. It said 'Snowdin' but then an 'X' scratch that out and it was called 'Helldin.' It suited the small town perfectly. He didn't care as he only thought of one thing: escaping.

He managed to sneak by the monsters. Well, except for one: Sans. Y/n knew about him but, he never saw him and when he walked: it sounded JUST like the creature that walked by him in the dense forest.

Sans caught him. His large hands easily dwarfed the male human. He wanted to talk but, instead, kept his jaws shut. He made his bones vibrate, allowing the human to calm down.

Y/n was confused before he saw Sans opening his jaws, razor sharp teeth ready to shred him, or so he thought. He wanted to scream! But he refrained from doing so, knowing that it could attract other monsters in the area.

A hot and slimy thing ran across his face, assuming that it was Sans's tongue. His theory was proven to be correct when his whole body got engulfed by his jaws. He struggled and begged." Let me go! Please!" It was no use as he was being swallowed by the creature, the ecto-flesh pulling him into the esophagus of the monster.


Sans swallowed once more, feeling the small human male slide down his throat and into his stomach. He felt him enter before violent struggles erupted from within his middle. He didn't mind it. He just needed to keep them out of the cold and out of sight from other monsters.

He started to walk back to his home, ready to take a nap with his new guest. His brother will be thrilled to see a human, though, he wasn't planning for the human to meet him yet. He'll figure something out, he always does.

The End

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