Snake! Nightmare

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In the jungle, a human ran from something. Their face covered in blood and sweat, clothes soaked with sweat, legs covered in dirt and blood aswell. Their eyes, it was filled with fear. What they were running from? It wasn't clear. They just ran for their life, not wanting to become the next victim.

They couldn't run anymore. They couldn't run from- whatever they ran from." Why?" They collapsed as tears fell from their eyes." Why did they have to die?" Their voice cracked, sobs escaping from their mouth as their body shook violently. The corpses of their family- it tore them. Well, not all of their family members were dead." Sissy? Why did you run? Where's mama and papa?" The voice of a 5-year- old asked." Mama and papa are in a better place." They didn't want to tell their sibling that they were killed by a creature. They couldn't, even if the urge was strong.


" Brother! You didn't need to kill them!" A golden clad skeleton said, crossing his arms at the potential murderer: Nightmare. A snake covered in thick black scales and a lone eye, goop dripping over its other eye.' They almost killed you! How could I not react?!' The snake glared at the small skeleton." But that doesn't mean that you should kill everything on sight!"' Dream, I didn't kill all of them. Two of them have escaped. Children  the children have escaped' Dream's eyelights went out." You killed their parents..." He breathed out, standing there in shock.' Yes, yes I did. The parents' souls were filled with hate. A deadly thing that could harm you, Dream. That's why I killed them. The children weren't filled with hate, more like fear and the need of feeling love." Those poor kids..." Brother... how are we going to take care of the kids?! They could be hurt! Or-or worse!" Dream ranted on before a tail stopped him from continuing.' I'll just tuck them away, just like I do with you when you get cold.' Dream sighed before nodding." I'm going back... Just- please bring them back in one piece." Nightmare nodded before slithering off, using his forked tongue to pick up their scent.


Nightmare found the two children, cuddling each other for warmth. He didn't hesitate to slither closer, just wanting to get it over with. Slowly, he opened his jaws and brought the eldest in his mouth, waking them up. They immediately struggled but, Nightmare coiled around them, preventing them from struggling. It didn't take long before the child slid down his throat and into his stomach. He got the other child's head in and did the same procedure.

He felt both struggle in his stomach, the movements satisfying his wild side. Though, he couldn't enjoy it as he remembered about Dream. Heh, maybe he'll keep these two humans. Who knows? Only time will tell.

The End

No part two

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