Drake! Horror

353 7 21

Requested by Allo_The_Great Reader will be blind.

Warning: Abusive family.

Hope that you enjoy!

What had they done to deserve this hell? Was it because they were born blind? Because they couldn't do what normal people could do?

Y/n L/n was a blind human child, their life was an absolute hell. Why? Because their parents tortured them everyday, letting all their frustration out on them. Whips, chains, you name it.

" Such a useless brat." Their 'mother' said in disgust, practically feeling her eyes roll behind their back." S-so-sorry-"" DID I GIVE YOU PERMISSION TO TALK YOU SLUT?" Y/n shut their mouth, not wanting to get tortured again." ANSWER MY QUESTION!"" N-no..."

A harsh slap met their soft cheek, head going in the direction of the slap." Can't believe that we kept you... should have left you on the street years ago." Those words were like knives stabbing them in their SOUL. We-were they really that useless? Being nothing more than a punch bag? Someone to bring down and take all their frustration out on?

Y/n was silent after hearing their mother talk to their father, knowing that it was about them.


Nighttime came around, the moonlight providing soft rays of light, the perfect time to hunt for a Drake.

Horror, a large Drake, silently crept towards the small town in silence. He hasn't eaten for two weeks, always being driven away by guards when he found a suitable meal. Now, here he was, walking through the town on the hunt for any humans outside.

Slowly, he crept into a dark part of the small town, noting how the once calm atmosphere changed to an eerie atmosphere.

He was about to turn back before something caught his attention. It was yelling." DON'T EVER TRY TO RETURN TO MY HOUSE YOU WORTHLESS BRAT!" A door slammed shut with anger, increasing his curiosity.

Walking on all fours, he walked deeper and deeper to where he heard the yelling come from, using his sense of smell aswell.

Small feet walking on dead leaves rang through the air, his ever curious self getting even more curious.

He had walked towards the crunching leaves, only to stop dead in his tracks. A human child, walking in the cold with thin clothes.' A child?' He thought, questions forming in his cracked skull. To him, they looked appealing at first glance. But, when he observed their small form, he noticed scars on their delicate skin, aswell as how thin they were. He could see their bones!

He came out of hiding, going to the smaller being." Human," They flinched, looking everywhere around them." What are you doing out here in the cold?" He asked, confusion answered when he saw their cloudy eyes." M-my m-mom k-kicked m-me o-o-out o-of t-t-he h-house..." Now he felt sorry for the small thing.

He couldn't help but feel the urge to swallow the small being infront of him, shy them away from the cruel outside world." I'm sorry to hear that..." Drool dripped down his muzzle, hunger growing at an alarming rate.


Y/n heard heavy breathing near them, turning their gaze to the sound before strong jaws clamped around them. How they knew? They felt sharp teeth gently grasping their back and stomach. Whatever creature it was, it was definitely massive.

Gravity began to shift, legs in the air of the cold night as they began to slide down and into a tight, confined space. The throat- it had to be!


Horror felt his little morsel struggle in his jaws, trying to free themselves from his throat. Well, that backfired as he tilted his head more, facing the starry sky. It helped with getting them down his throat.

He felt them struggle as they slid down his throat, going to his crop where he intended to store them.

Their struggles ceased once they entered his crop, his Drake instincts telling him to not talk and let the small creature figure it out themselves.


Y/n stopped struggling after their fate had been sealed. Their surroundings were slimy and moving, convincing them that they were in the creature's stomach.' I'm gonna die! I'm gonna be digested alive-' Thoughts swarmed their small head, making them dizzy.

Y/n couldn't help but close their eyes, stress and fear knocking them out.


Horror walked through the forest near the area he found the small human, his nature satisfied with storing something as fragile as a blind human child in his crop.

His lone red eyelight glew in the dark forest, lighting the way he was heading. Maybe he could convince Nightmare into keeping such a frail human child- or even convince him that they could be useful.

Heh, only time would tell, their life and future were in his claws now.

The End

Credit to SketchSanss for the art

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Credit to SketchSanss for the art.

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