Swapdream! Dream

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Requested by Alanna_the_fox. Sorry that I did the wrong plot! Here it is! Warning: suicidal writing! Enjoy~

Crying. That's all you could do: crying. You weren't crying out of happiness but agony. You see, you were walking around in a forest after arguing with your friends before getting attacked by robbers, leaving you there after stabbing you with a knife in your leg. Another shot of pain surged through and you screamed, catching the attention of a certain crazed skeleton.


Dream flew around the forest before hearing a blood curdling scream of pain. He stopped, smile widening as he was gonna take this opportunity to make this being positive. He flew in the direction of where he heard the scream at inhumane speeds.


You couldn't help it, the pain was too much for your body to handle. You screamed again, tears streaming down your face as you couldn't hold them back any longer. It was unbearable!" Please..." You said softly, words barely heard." send help..." You sobbed harder, lips quivering.

Wings flapping filled the air but, you didn't have the energy to call out for help. To be honest, you had no energy at all, though, you still had a bit of energy to cry.


Dream landed in an area in the forest." Hmm?~" He turned his head when he heard sobbing, eyes widening and grin turning into a small smile. He didn't expect to find a human- an injured one for that matter. A knife was lodged into their leg, blood was everywhere on their leg like they've tried to stop blood from oozing out of the wound. Worst thing was: they were only in their late teens.


You passed out, not sure if anyone heard your screams of agony at all. Warmth. Warmth started to surround your body. Something took the knife out of your leg before you felt no pain. Whoever or whatever it was, was clearly careful with what it was doing.

The thing picked you up with seemingly no trouble. Warmth and wetness, the ground was jelly like. Wherever they were, it was really warm and... soothing.


Dream tilted his head, letting the shrunken human slide down his throat." Hmmmm?~" He saw a book, a notebook yo be exact and ot was covered in blood. The small weight reached his stomach before he bent down and picked it up, standing up before he opened it. He regretted that. The book had thoughts, thoughts written down on a piece of paper in a book.

' I want to die!'
' I'm useless!'
' Maybe I should jump off a bridge znd kill myself!'
' I'm worthless!'

The list was endless."..." He had no words." Darling..." He breathed out, placing a skeletal hand on his middle. He couldn't get the words out of his non-existent throat. He made a promise. A promise, to give you the best life he could give.

The End

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